C1 chemistry

  • Created by: Lydia1
  • Created on: 28-12-12 13:59
What are atoms made up of?
Protons, Neutrons and Electrons
1 of 31
What is the charge of an electron?
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What is an ion?
A charged atom
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What is an emulsifier and how do they work?
An emlusifier is a molecule added to oil and water to help them mix. They have a hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tail which causes the oil droplets to repel and separate out so that they mix.
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What are food additives used for?
Colouring- look more appetising. Enhancers-bring out the taste and smell. Antioxidants- preserve food. Emulsifiers- mix oil and water
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Why are potatoes cooked?
The potato cells walls are made of cellulose which humans cant digest and cooking them will break down the cellulose.
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What is the word equation for the thermal decomposition od sodium hydrogencarbonate?
sodium hydrogencarbonate--->sodium carbonate+carbondioxide+water
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What is the equation for esterification?
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What does volatility mean?
how easily something evaporates so perfumes must be quite volatile so we can smell them.
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What properties should perfumes have?
Evaporate easily- so you can smell them. Non-toxic.Doesnt react with water- so it doesnt react with sweat. Insoluble in water- so it doesnt wash off easily.
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Why are nail varnishes insoluble in water?
Because the attraction between the nail varnish particles are much sronger than the attractions between the nail varnish and water particles. Same with the water particles!
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What is a colloid?
When one material is dispersed but not dissolved into another material .eg.paint is a colloid.
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How do oil based paints dry?
The solvent evaporated and the oil is oxidised by oxygen to turn it solid. They take longer to dry than water based paints.
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What do phosphorescent and thermochromic pigments do?
Thermochromic pigments change colour at different temperatures whereas phosphorescent pigments absorb light during the day then release it as energy at night so they glow in the dark.
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What is polymerisation?
A reaction that causes monomers to join together to form polymers
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What are addition polymers?
Polymers that are made up of unsaturated monomers(alkenes).eg. polythene
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What is gore-tex?
They are fabrics that use nylon(a synthetic polymer) laminated with PTFE to make it stronger. The material has holes in it that are large enough for water vapour to get out but not rain droplets to get in
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What are hydrocarbons?
Compounds that only contain hydrogen and carbon atoms.
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What types of bonds do alkanes have?
They are saturated compounds with only single bonds.
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How do you test for alkenes?
Mix the coumpound solution with bromine water and if the solution goes colourless then there is an unsaturated compound present.(Alkene)
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What happens during fractional distillation?
Crude oil is heated and the longer the hydrocarbon chains in the crude oil, the higher the boiling point so the lower down in the column they are found. Therefore, the smaller chains are collected higher up as they have lower boiling points.
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What are the two types of bonds in crude oil?
Strong covalent bonds between the hydrogen and carbons. Intermolecular forces between different hydrocarbon molecules and ther are more forces to break withe the longer hydrocarbon chains which is why they have higher boiling points.
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What is Cracking?
A form of thermal decoomposition which allows longer hydrocarbono chains to break down into smaller ones as there is a higher demand for smaller chains e.g petrol
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What is the word equation for complete combustion?
hydrogen+oxygen---->carbon dioxide+water
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What is the word equation for incomplete combustion?
hydrogen+oxygen---->carbon dioxide+water+carbon monoxide+carbon
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What is the atmosphere made up of?
78%nitrogen, 21%oxygen and 0.035% carbon dioxide
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In the carbon cycle, what contributes to the amount of carbon dioxide in the air and removes oxygen?
Respiraton, Combustion and Decay
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How does the human population affect the composition of the air?
The more people there are the more resources, energy and respiration that produces carbon dioxide which disturbs the balance of the elements in the atmosphere.
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Other than carbon dioxide, what is produced when you burn fossil fuels?
Sulfur dioxide which mixes with clouds and causes acid rain.
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When is carbon monoxide produced?
During incomplete combustion
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What do catalytic converters do?
They reduce the amount of carbon monoxide produced on vehicles
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the charge of an electron?



Card 3


What is an ion?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is an emulsifier and how do they work?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are food additives used for?


Preview of the front of card 5
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hollie rawlings


this was very good and useful



Thank you:)

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