Business Studies - Operations Management

Define job production
items that are made individually and each items finished before another one is started
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Advantages and disadvantages of job production
allows customers to make special requirements and are willing to pay a high price for the designer products. However the production is time consuming and labour costs are high due to needing skilled workers
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Define batch production
group of items made together and each batch is completed before another is started
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Define flow production
where identical standardised items are produced on an assembly line
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Advantages and disadvantages of batch production
cost of each unit is cheaper than job production and different consumer tastes by producing different products in different batches. However may take time to sell goods and customers must be okay with buying similar products
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Advantages and disadvantages of flow production
uses high proportion of machinery to workers therefore doesn't have high labour costs. however due to using machinery its hard to alter production process
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Define operational efficiency
producing goods and services to an acceptable standard with as little resources possible
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Define unit costs
average cost of producing each unit
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Define specialisation
works divided into separate jobs or tasks that allow workers to become skilled at one of them
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Advantages of being operationally efficient
can give big competitor advantage and can charge customers lower prices and still make similar profit
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How can one firm be more operationally efficient than another?
more efficient machinery, workers more motivated, more effective management using faster production methods and minimum wastage therefore everything produced is suitable enough to sell
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What does staff productivity depend on?
skills, quality of machinery and effective management
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How can productivity be improved through?
training, investment in equipment and better staff management
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Define ICT
The use of electronic technology to gather store, process and communicate information
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Define Robot
computer controlled machines able to preform physical tasks
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Advantages of Robots (CAM)
CAM known for their speed, accuracy and efficiency, they are fast, through and don't take breaks furthermore they increase efficiency and lower waster= more sustainable
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Define computerised stock control program
keeps accurate records of goods in stocks, goods arriving and goods sold , its used in service and manufacturing businesses
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Advantages of computerised stock control programs
automatic stock control triggering orders when reorder level is reached, bar coding systems speed up processing record stocks and customer check outs. Less labour is required and fewer errors made
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Advantages of design technology (CAD)
CAD enables designers to layout their work on screen, print it out as a 3d image and edit it, new products can be developed and designed quickly. also CAD reduces costs as everything is electronic
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Benefits of new technology
lower unit cost of production, quicker operations and better communications
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Drawbacks of new technology
cost of purchase can be very high, training of staff is costly and workers can be reluctant to try new ways incase they lose their jobs
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Define quality product
product that meets customers expectations and is therefore fit for purpose
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Define customer experience
minimum quality standards for a product thats acceptable to customers
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Define quality assurance
system of agreeing+meeting quality standards at each stage of production
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Advantages producing a quality product
better reputation, satisfied customers and lower costs as wastage is reduced
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How can quality be achieved?
achieves high quality first time round, customers satisfied to reduce complaints and workers should get it right first time therefore its motivating and reduces faulty good
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Define customer service
providing services to customers before, during and after purchases to meet expectations
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how to offer good customer service
reliability, pre sales services, service at time of purchase and after sale services
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benefits of good customer services
customers likely to return, loyal customers who will recommend company, motivated staff and fewer customer complaints
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Define customer protection
laws that protect the interests of consumers when purchasing a product
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If companies break laws they could...
lose customers, fined heavily and gain bad reputation
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Define the Sales of Good Act and Supply of Goods and services Act
goods should be sold to consumers as described by the business. Products must be fit for purpose and to a satisfactory quality
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Define Consumer Protection Act
consumption must be paid to consumer if they are injured or damage property when using the product the correct way
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Define Competition Act
all similar businesses must agree to not set fix prices at a high level
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Define Consumer Protection for distance selling
protects consumers who purchase products online, must give clear info provided in writing. Also firms should offer a 7day cool down period for consumers that change their mind
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Define Consumer Protection from unfair trading regulations
advertising can't be mislead or deceived and consumers must be able to check prices for comparisons
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Advantages of consumer protection laws
consumers have confidence when making purchases and prevents unfair competition for low price businesses
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Disadvantages of consumer protection laws
can be expensive to meet the laws and if any slight errors happen the business can be fined heavily
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Define E-commerce
buying and selling products oner the internet
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Advantages of global marketing using e-commerce
open 24 hours a day, users not changed by distance and cheaper supplies can be bought online
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Disadvantages of global marketing using e-commerce
some customers believe certain businesses don't exist and they don't wanna give out their credit card details, website needs availability in different languages which can cost, also very small transactions may not be worth the cost to deliver them
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Benefits and limitations of the internet to business
Benefits: cheap to set up, access to consumers worldwide therefore good promoting, and cheaper way to sell products / Limitations: needs to be regularly updated which can cost, can be transport and communication problems
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Benefits and limitations of the internet to customers
Benefits: easy way to access info, easy to contact business and to compare prices+products with other businesses/ Limitations: consumers must have computer access, website might not be frequently updated+ goods can't be tried before purchase
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Advantages and disadvantages of job production


allows customers to make special requirements and are willing to pay a high price for the designer products. However the production is time consuming and labour costs are high due to needing skilled workers

Card 3


Define batch production


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Define flow production


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Advantages and disadvantages of batch production


Preview of the front of card 5
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