business chap 24 key terms

  • Created by: ngaelsa
  • Created on: 18-04-17 14:42
Inventory (stock)
materials and goods required to allow for the production and supply of products to customer
1 of 6
Economic order quantity (EOQ)
the optimum or least-cost quantity of stock to re order taking into account delivery cost and stock holding cost
2 of 6
Buffer inventories
the minimum inventory level that should be held to ensure that the production could still take place in case of a delay in delivery or production rates increased
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Re-order quantity
number of units order each time
4 of 6
Lead time
normal time taken from odering new stocks to their delivery
5 of 6
this inventory-control method aims to avoid holding stock by requiring suppliers to arrive just as they are needed for production and completed product to order
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Card 2


the optimum or least-cost quantity of stock to re order taking into account delivery cost and stock holding cost


Economic order quantity (EOQ)

Card 3


the minimum inventory level that should be held to ensure that the production could still take place in case of a delay in delivery or production rates increased


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Card 4


number of units order each time


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Card 5


normal time taken from odering new stocks to their delivery


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