Business 2.5 key terms

In an organisational structure, this means the level of job roles in the business, from the highest-paid directors to the most junior members of staff
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Keep something or someone
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Span of control
The number of employees that are managed by a manager. If a person manages three employees, their span of control is three
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Independance or freedom to make your own decisions
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Being responsible for something and being held responsible for it and its outcomes. For example, a manager is often accountable for the actions of their staff
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Job satisfaction
The sense of achievement or fulfilment that an employee gets from their job
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Technical or obscure words or terms used by a particular group of people that may not be understood by everyone
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Salary band
A range of possible salaries for the role being advertised. For example, a role may be advertised as having 'band 1' salary, where band 1 covers salaries between £15,000 and £20,000. The band will be part of a larger salary scale
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Someone who is self-employed and contracted by a business to work for them
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The measurement of how much work a business is able to complete. Higher levels of productivity means that employees are completing more work
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These are different jobs within a business. For example, roles in a restaurant might include head chef, chef kitchen assistant and so on
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The laws that a business must comply with
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These are the things that someone is required to do in order to fulfil their role in a business. For example, at a restaurant, a responsibility of the role of head chef might be to create the restaurants menu
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Reasons for behaving in a particular way. In business, motivation usually refers to the reasons an employee has for working well and increasing their productivity
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Card 2


Keep something or someone



Card 3


The number of employees that are managed by a manager. If a person manages three employees, their span of control is three


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Card 4


Independance or freedom to make your own decisions


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Card 5


Being responsible for something and being held responsible for it and its outcomes. For example, a manager is often accountable for the actions of their staff


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