'British colonial policy in the years 1890-1914 was changed by activities of other European powers'

Argument against
What happened to the leader of Zanzibar that shows that it was actually internal pressures, not European powers, that forced Britain to tighten their colonial policy?
Britain installed a puppet leader, Hamad Thuwaini, he mysteriously died in 1896 and there were rumours that Africans killed him to threaten British rule. His cousin, Khalid, succeeded him, Britain ordered him to stand down but he refused. Led to 38 minute
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Argument for
Explain the Fashoda incident and how this led to Triple Entente, how does this show Britain expanded as a result of other European powers?
The Fashoda incident of 1868 was a dispute between Britain and France over Sudan, Britain wanted Sudan to have control of Suez Canal and France wanted Sudan to unite their colonies. They signed Triple Entente 1904 where France got control of Morocco and B
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Argument against
Explain how King Premph, leader of Ashantiland, showed that Britain expanded as a result of internal pressures, rather than as a result of other European powers?
The Asante people showed resistance to British rule for approx. 80 years, King Premph refused to hand over Ashantiland as a protectorate, leading to Fourth Anglo Asante War. Britain finally conquered in 1896 and annexed Ashantiland.
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Argument for
Explain how Russia's expansion made Britain expand, as a result of other European powers
Russia was expanded into South Africa, they expanded into Bukhara in 1868. Britain worried that they would then expand into India. So, Britain expanded into Afganistan because then it made it difficult to expand, as they would have to get past Afganistan
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Overall, British colonial policy was changed by the activities of other European powers. They tightened their control of colonies.
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Card 2


Argument for
Explain the Fashoda incident and how this led to Triple Entente, how does this show Britain expanded as a result of other European powers?


The Fashoda incident of 1868 was a dispute between Britain and France over Sudan, Britain wanted Sudan to have control of Suez Canal and France wanted Sudan to unite their colonies. They signed Triple Entente 1904 where France got control of Morocco and B

Card 3


Argument against
Explain how King Premph, leader of Ashantiland, showed that Britain expanded as a result of internal pressures, rather than as a result of other European powers?


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Card 4


Argument for
Explain how Russia's expansion made Britain expand, as a result of other European powers


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Card 5




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Holomodor-Hugo 🍔


Honestly, Just shocking..... not angry just dissapointed at this point

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