
  • Created by: libsd
  • Created on: 23-01-19 19:32
What are the health benefits for mum
Bonding, extra use of calories to get back to weight, oxytocin reduces uterus size, reduces risk of ovarian and breast cancer, natural contraception. reduces diabetes, reduces risk of post partum depression
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What are the health benefits for baby
Cognitive development, lowers risk of allergies, vitamins/proteins/fats, antibodies, higher IQ, closeness, lower risk of diabetes/obesity/cancer, reduces dental problems, reduces infection
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What makes the breast secretory
Progesterone makes more lactiforous cells
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What is the name of the substance produced before breast milk
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What happens to the lactating breast
******* are more prominent and montogomery tubercles more pronounced
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Where is oxcytocin produced
Posterior pituitary gland
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When is oxytocin secreted
When feeding and milks need to be released
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What does oxytocin do
Works on muslces cells to expel milk. induced feeling of love and well-being
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What is the let down reflex
Mechanical stimulation of the breast tissue activates pressure sensitive recepyors and nerve impulses stimulate the hypothalamus causing oxytocin to be released which travels to the breast in blood. Oxytocin causes the myoepithelial cells to contract
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Where is prolactin produced
Anterior pituitary gland
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When is prolactin secreted
Secreted to prepare breasts for feeding when oestrogen/progesterone decreases. Levels rise in response to suckling to produce milk for the next feed
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What is the action of prolactin
Switches on milk producing cells, calmness, mothering behaviour, triggered through touch, stimulated early and frequently to ensure long term production
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What is FIL
A protein in milk which alerts the milk producing cells to stop producing milk if the breasts become full
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Why is breastmilk not produced during pregnancy
Placenta releases oestrogen and progesterone
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Why does breastfeeding trigger milk production
Prolactin receptor sites open when placenta is delivered, prolactin surges prime sites to begin milk production
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What helps to increase potential for long term milk production
Skin to skin contact and lots of feeds
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What are the benefits of skin to skin contact
Keeps baby warm, stimulates breast-seeking behaviour, release of prolactin and oxcytocin, bonding, calming, regulates heartbeat, temp and breathing, colonises babys skin
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How does a baby attach
Wide open mouth, chin leads, bottom lip touches breast well away from base of the ******, ****** towards the rear of the roof of the babys mouth
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Signs a baby is attached
Chin indenting breast, wide open mouth, babies lower lip curled back, checks stay rounded during sucking, more areola above top lip, feeds start rapif followed by long/rhythmic sucks and swallows
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Importance of effective attachment
Ensures adequate milk transfer, prevents sore *******/engorgement/blocked duct/mastisis
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CHINS positioning
close, head free, in line, nose to ******, sustainable
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CCHAMPS positioning
Chin indenting the breast, cheeks rounded, have babies lower lip curled back, areola more visible above top lip, mouth wide open, pain free, sucks and swallows rhythmically
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How to help mum with breastfeeding
Unhurried skin to skin contact at birth, early/frequent feeds, baby close, feeding cues, avoid unnecessary supplements
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What helps the baby
Rooting reflex, sucking reflex, swallowing reflex, babies toung presses milk from the ducts
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Pathogens inhaled, stimulates maternal immune system, antibodies are produced and sent to breast to be incorporated into breast milk, baby receives antibodies
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Pathogens ingested, maternal immune system, antibodies produced and sent to breast, baby recieves antibodies
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Babys feeding cues
Moving eyes, wriggling, waving, rooting, sucking, murmuring noises, alertness, smacking lips, sticking tounge out
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Babys route of milk
Acini cell down the milk duct to the lactiferous duct through ****** and down oesophagus
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Features of colostrum
Protective fac, small volume, low conc lactose/fact, high protein, laxative, bifidus fac, lgA, lactoferrin, transfer fac, enzyme, nucleotide, oligosaccharides, white cells
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the health benefits for baby


Cognitive development, lowers risk of allergies, vitamins/proteins/fats, antibodies, higher IQ, closeness, lower risk of diabetes/obesity/cancer, reduces dental problems, reduces infection

Card 3


What makes the breast secretory


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the name of the substance produced before breast milk


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What happens to the lactating breast


Preview of the front of card 5
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