Other questions in this quiz

2. Select a mutuality principle

  • a “mutual contract” is one in which obligations on each side are “causes” of each other (i.e. counterparts, so both parties have interdependent obligations)
  • a "mutual contract" is one where one party has an obligation and the other can perform to a certain extent

3. If part of a single transaction, do all obligations need to be in one contract?

  • No, they can be split over several contracts
  • Yes, they must all be in one contract

4. What is essential for retention?

  • The obligations must be counterparts (reciprocal)
  • The obligations must be of high value
  • The obligations must not be counterparts

5. What was the main point in Inveresk Plc v Tullis Russell Papermakers Ltd?

  • obligations presumed to be counterparts unless clear indication to contrary
  • The specified contract must be thorough to enable performance
  • A judge must be sought in times of dispute
  • For retention to be granted, the obligations must take place contemporaneously ie. the counter obligations existed at the same time


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