Other questions in this quiz

2. Why do covalent bonds have high melting and boiling points?

  • There are many delocalised electrons.
  • There are strong covalent bonds between all atoms, that require a lot of heat energy to break.
  • There is electrostatic attraction between all the atoms
  • There are strong ionic bonds between all atoms.

3. What structures can covalent substances be?

  • Simple structures
  • Niether
  • Giant and simple structures
  • Giant structures

4. What is the definition of covalent bonding?

  • An atom provides a lone pair of electron to another atom.
  • Bonding between a metal and a none metal.
  • Shared pair of electrons between two atoms.
  • Electrostatic attraction between oppositely charges atoms.

5. What is the description for simple covalent substances?

  • A simple covalent substance consists of oppositely charged particles, but with a small charge difference between the atoms.
  • A simple covalent structure consists of a small number of atoms and a small number of covalent bonds as well. This forms a molecule with weak intermolecular forces.
  • A simple covalent substance consists of a large number of atoms, but with weak bonds between them.
  • A simple covalent structure consists of strong intermolecular forces between atoms.


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