Bolshevik seizure of power

Why did Bolshevik support grow after the Kornilov Affair?
Bolsheviks no longer seen as a threat and instead as revolutionary defenders. The affair also undermined the Provisional Government authority and made them look weak
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What policy did Lenin adopt after the July Days?
Peace, Bread and Land
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Why and how did Lenin attract more supporters during 1917?
Slogans drawing in support from the workers and peasants, By Kornilov Affair membership was 200,000. Party produced 41 newspapers. Red Army created with 10,000 soldiers recruited from Petrograd's factories.
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Why did Lenin have to seize power before November 1917?
Provisional Government announced that national elections would happen on 12th November and the opening session of the Constituent Assembly on the 28th November. Social Revolutionaries likely to win most seats
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Where did Lenin suggest all of the power should be transferred to and why?
All- Russian Soviet because the Bolsheviks had a lot of support there
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Who planned the October revolution?
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How did Lenin plan on hiding his involvement in the October Revolution?
by handing over the planning to the military revolutionary committee of the Petrograd Soviet- Bolsheviks had majority of seats
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When did the Bolsheviks plan to take over Petrograd in October?
Using the military revolutionary committee of the Petrograd Soviet, on the eve of the Second Congress of the All- Russian Soviet on the 26th October.
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Who was the Military Revolutionary Committee under the control of?
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When the Military Revolutionary Committee got control of the capital who would they announce they'd done it for?
The soviet
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What happened on the evening of 24th October 1917?
MRC and red guards occupied key areas of Petrograd. Arrested most of the Provisional Government at the Winter Palace. Little resistance- some women soldiers, cadets. Most of Petrograd didn't notice
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What did the Military Revolutionary Committee announce on the 25th October 1917?
The Provisional Government was disbanded. State power now with the Petrograd Soviet of workers' and soldiers
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Did the All Russian Soviet endorse the Bolshevik takeover on October 1917?
390 Bolsheviks compared to 80 mensheviks and 180 socialist revolutionaries = majority supported.
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How did changing circumstances aid Bolshevik success in 1917?
Lenin's return = stopped supporting Provisional Government and starting planning takeover. Kornilov affair = Bolsheviks looks strong, provisional government looked weak, received weapons, Bolsheviks appeared to be defenders
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How did the timing of the uprising aid Bolshevik success in 1917?
Claimed they were acting on behalf of the soviet. Kerensky knew they were planning a takeover but didn't act decisively. Well organised and executed efficiently = nearly bloodless
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How did the weaknesses of the Provisional Government aid Bolshevik success in 1917?
Little support, revolution raised hopes but they'd failed to tackle issues = reduced authority and popularity.
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What support did the Provisional Government have from the army in October 1917?
Kerensky won the support of some army units. 28th October Cossack troops advanced into Petrograd, some support for officer cadets- Red Guards defeated them just outside Petrograd
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What policy did Lenin adopt after the July Days?


Peace, Bread and Land

Card 3


Why and how did Lenin attract more supporters during 1917?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why did Lenin have to seize power before November 1917?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Where did Lenin suggest all of the power should be transferred to and why?


Preview of the front of card 5
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