Body Cavities

  • Created by: 2106335
  • Created on: 10-01-22 16:39
The two main cavities of the body are...
The Dorsal and Ventral cavity
1 of 13
The Cranial Cavity and the Spinal Cavity form one continuous space called the...
Dorsal Cavity
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The Dorsal Cavity is
posterior (back) surface of the body
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The Ventral Cavity is
larger than dorsal, & is the front surface of the body
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The Ventral cavity is divided into 2 main parts which are separated by the
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The two subdivisions of the Ventral Cavity are the
Thoracic and the Abdomino-pelvic cavity
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Thoracic cavity which is located superior to the diaphragm & contains 3 compartments:
2 pleural cavities and 1 pericardial cavity
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Match the correct answer. The 2 pleural cavities -
lungs (pleura) and large blood vessels that join the heart
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Match the correct answer. The pericardial cavity -
the heart
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The Abdomino-pelvic cavity
is located inferior to the diaphragm & lined with a serous membrane called the peritoneum.
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The Abdomino-pelvic is subdivided into 2 main regions:
the Abdominal cavity and the Pelvic cavity
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The Abdominal cavity contains
the stomach, most of the intestine, liver, gallbladder, pancreas & spleen
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The Pelvic Cavity contains
the urinary bladder, rectum and internal parts of the reproductive system
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The Cranial Cavity and the Spinal Cavity form one continuous space called the...


Dorsal Cavity

Card 3


The Dorsal Cavity is


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The Ventral Cavity is


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The Ventral cavity is divided into 2 main parts which are separated by the


Preview of the front of card 5
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