Blue Nude (Souvenir at Biskra), 1907, Matisse

Describe the composition of Blue Nude
Female nude appears as the focus point of the painting, in the centre.
The background is composed of greenery, which gives a primitive feel as well as adding a sense of earth’s natural elements to the overall message.
It is also cropped, framing the fig
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Describe the use of colour or texture in Blue Nude
Crude application of paint to give a rustic feel to the painting.
The garish colours reflect the Fauvist style. The bright blues and greens are far from the soft pinks and whites that are usually used to depict women, further emphasising how Matisse has
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Describe the use of light and tone in Blue Nude
Facial features appear darker in tone than her body, adds definition and shows face should be more interesting. Shoulders and hips are darker tones, masculine, seen as unattractive.
Harsh and bony depiction of the female nude, muscular from physical labo
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Describe the use of Space & depth or relief in Blue Nude
The ground she is lying on separates her from the background, making her the centre piece. Dark lines surround her stomach and hips create a shadow contrasting the colour of her skin. The leaves in the back offer little space or depth, giving a flat impr
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Describe the use of Line or brushwork in Blue Nude
Cross-hatching shows influence from primitive artefacts.
Thick visible brushstrokes show influence from own Fauvist experiments.
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what was the Influence from political factors of Blue Nude?
Colonisation of Morocco confronted the contemporary audience with a lack of racial identity.
The fact she has no identity leaves the painting open to interpretation as well as criticising the racial and sexual ignorance at the time for only focusing on p
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What were the Stylistic comment and artistic influence on Blue Nude?
The nude is hard and angular, both a tribute to Cezanne and to the sculpture Matisse saw when visiting Biskra in Algeria
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what were the new Uses or developments of materials, techniques & processes used for Blue Nude?
The fact the face doesn’t have a true identity comes from the primitive technique of making masks in order to disguise yourself.
Visible brushstrokes and pentimento around the breasts give an unflattering finish to the 20th century viewer.
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What did Chris Green say about Blue Nude?
"A structured illusion on which nature is seen to a material surface on which coloured masks and drawn lines are disposed"
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Describe the use of colour or texture in Blue Nude


Crude application of paint to give a rustic feel to the painting.
The garish colours reflect the Fauvist style. The bright blues and greens are far from the soft pinks and whites that are usually used to depict women, further emphasising how Matisse has

Card 3


Describe the use of light and tone in Blue Nude


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Describe the use of Space & depth or relief in Blue Nude


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Describe the use of Line or brushwork in Blue Nude


Preview of the front of card 5
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