Biology - Biotechnology

GCSE triple science


  • Created by: amyclive
  • Created on: 13-05-09 09:20

1. How is yoghurt made?

  • pasturise milk > steralise equipment > add starter culture (heat to 40) > clots > lactose fermented to lactic acid = yoghurt
  • lactose sugar fermented to lactic acid > pasturise milk > steralise equipment > add atarter culture (heat to 72) > clots = yoghurt
  • Steralise Equipment > Paturise Milk (heat to 72) > add starter culture (heat to 40) > lactose sugar fermented to lactic acid > clots = yoghurt
  • lactic acid is fermented clots > steralise equipment > add starter culture (heat to 40) > pasturise milk (heat to 70) = yohgurt
1 of 6

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2. What are the 6 nutrients?

  • MSG,
  • Carbohydrate, fats, protein, vitsins, minerals, water

3. What do plant stanol esters do?

  • lower blood colesterol
  • used as a suppliment
  • ferment milk to form yoghurt
  • help in making of drugs to help pain

4. What to prebiotics do and where are they found and what are they used for?

  • help promote healthy eating > found in tablets and suppliments > used to treat and help a healthy heart
  • promote good bacteria in the gut > found in leeks, onions, oats > used as suppliments
  • helphealthy heart > found in drinks > help treat pain

5. Enzymes are?

  • Incertase > used for sweets > turn sucrose into glucose > used as a sweetener > produced my saccharomycs cerevisiae
  • found in seeweed > food flavous enhancer > produced my saccraromyces cerevisiae
  • cheese > used in sweets > found in fruit > flavour enhancer


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