Biology B4 OCR Gateway

  • Created by: Elisabeth
  • Created on: 01-06-13 12:50
Define population
All the organisms of one species in a habitat
1 of 36
Define zonation
The gradual change in the distribution of species across a habitat
2 of 36
What are kite diagrams used for?
To show the distribution and abundance of organisms along a transect
3 of 36
What is the symbol equation for photosynthesis?
4 of 36
What can glucose be converted into, in plants?
Lipids (from seeds), making protiens (combining glucose and nitrates), making cell walls(glucose converted into cellulose), starch (storage for respiration at night as it is insoluble)
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What did Van Helmont discover?
That the plant grew heavier than the soil at was used up so he discovered that plants use water to gain mass
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What did Priestly discover?
He found out that burning a candle using something up and plants restore it (oxygen) using a candle and a plant.
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What are the 3 limiting factors of a plant?
Light, Carbon dioxide and Temperature levels
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Define diffusion
The net movement of particles from an area of higher concetration to an area of lower concentration
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Can big or small particles fit through cell membranes?
Only small like simple sugars (why we need digestion), water and ions
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What 3 things does the rate of diffusion depend on?
Distance-substances diffuse more quickly when they have less to travel, Concentration-The diffuse faster when there is a higher concentration difference, Surface area- the more area they can diffuse the more they will making it quicker
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How are leaves adapted for diffusion?
They have a large surface area, they are very thin (so they only have to diffuse a small distance), the lower surface contains stomata,there are air spaces in the spongy mesophyll( so gas exchange can happen)
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Define osmosis
The net movement of water molecules across a partically permeable membrane from a region of higher water concentration to a region of lower water concentration.
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What is meant by a turgid plant cell?
When it has plenty of water and becomes plump and swollen
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What is meant by a flaccid plant cell?
When it doesn't have enough water and the plants start to wilt
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What is meant by a plasmolysed plant cell?
When is is extremely short of water and the cytoplasm inside the cell starts to shrink and th emembrane pulls away from the cell wall.
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Why doesn't the plant cell burst when it has too much water?
It has an in eleastic cell wall, which creates turgor pressure
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Can animal cells burst?
Yes, because they don't have a cell wall. It is called lysis. if it has tooo little water it shrivels up this is callled crenation
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What process is used by roots to take in water?
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What does the Phloem tubes transport?
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What do the Xylem vessels transport?
Water, they also support the plant
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Why is transpiration used by plants?
It allows water to leave the plant by evapouration or diffusion, this creates a slight shortage of water in the plant, therefore more water can be taken in my the roots so there is a constant transpiration stream of water through the plant
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What 4 main things affect transpiration?
Light intensity- the lighter the better as stomata close when it get dark, Increase of temperature- more water can evapourate and leave the plant, Air movement- if there is no movement the water vapour stays around the leaves, Air humidity
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What are the 3 main minerals plants need?
Phosphates, nitrates and potassium
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Why do plants need phosphates and how do you know if a plant isn't geting enough?
For repiration and growth. It will have poor root growth and discooured older leaves.
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Why do plants need nitrates and how do you know if a plant isn't geting enough?
To make amino acids and protiens. The growth of the plant will be poor and it will have yellow older leaves
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Why do plants need potasssium and how do you know if a plant isn't geting enough?
To help enzymes needed for photosythesis and respiration. It will have poor flower and fruit growth and it will have discoloured leaves
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Why is magnesium needed by plants?
It is required so that the plant can make chlorophyll which is needed for photosynthesis.
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What 3 things does the rate of dcay depend on?
Temperature, Amount of water and Amount of oxygen
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What is the difference between detritivores and saprophytes?
They both help to decompose things but detritivores they eat it and digest it giving it a large surface area these include earthworms however saprophytes digest it by extracellular digestion(outside the body) like fungi
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What are the 7 different methods of food preservation?
Canning, cooling,freezing, Salting, adding sugar, drying and adding vinegar
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What do herbicides do?
They kill weeds, so that the crops get the sun and grow better
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What do pesticides do?
They kill insects that eat the crops.
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What is battery farming?
The animals are kept close together indoors in small pens, so that there warm and can't move about
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What is hydroponics?
Where a plant is grown without soil but in nutrient solutions (water and fertilisers)
35 of 36
What 5 methods can be used to make farming organic?
Organic fertilisers(manure), Crop rotation, Weeding, Varying seed planting times and biological control
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Define zonation


The gradual change in the distribution of species across a habitat

Card 3


What are kite diagrams used for?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the symbol equation for photosynthesis?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What can glucose be converted into, in plants?


Preview of the front of card 5
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this is really really useful............thank you so much!

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