
  • Created by: Sorrel
  • Created on: 15-05-13 17:03
7 components of a balanced diet
carbohydrates, proteins, fats (lipids), water, fibre, mineral, and vitamins
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the main fuel for supplying energy to the cells - the cells release this energy by using sugars such as glucose in the respiration process
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required for growth and repair in the body
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provides a layer of insulation under the skin, as a shock-absorber for impact to the vital organs and it is also a long-term energy store
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required to dissolve some chemicals to allows reactions to take place in the body, it helps to transport substances around the body and is used in sweat to cool down the body
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provides bulk to the food to help the movement of food through the digestive system by the process of peristalsis, thus preventing constipation and other serious diseases such as colitis and bowel cancer
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required in small amounts to keep the body healthy and prevent deficiency diseases such as rickets and anaemia
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required in small amounts to keep the body healthy and prevent deficiency diseases such as scurvy and night blindness
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three elements that make up lipids
carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
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four elements that make up proteins
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen
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the name given to the sub-units of the polymers proteins
amino acids
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the number of amino acids that can be arranged in any order to change the size and shape and therefore its function
20 amino acids
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the number of amino acids that the human body needs to intake and the name given to these (the rest are made by the body)
10 essential amino acids
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three elements that make up carbohydrates
carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
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body mass index - the comparison of mass to height (mass / height squared)
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underweight BMI
less than 18.5
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normal / healthy BMI
18.5 - 25
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overweight BMI
25 - 30
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over 30
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three obesity related diseases
coronary heart disease, diabetes, arthrites, osteoporosis
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the impact of too much saturated fats
increased cholesterol levels which can clog the arteries, this hindering the transportation of oxygen, glucose and carbon dioxide around the body in the blood
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metabolic rate
the rate at which all chemical reactions in the cells are carried out - this varies with the amount of activity you do and the proportion of fat to muscle in your body, it may also be affected by inherited factors
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you can lose mass when...
the energy content of the food taken in is less than the amount of energy being expended by the body
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exercise ............ the amount of energy expended by the body
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a microorganism that causes infectious disease
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the job of phagocytes
to engulf and and kill the pathogens by secreting an enzyme that breaks down the pathogen
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the job of lymphocytes
to detect and produce antibodies and antitoxins that attach to the antigens present on the surface of the pathogens to group them together so that the phagocytes can engulf them - also to produce memory cells that remember specific antibodies
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memory cells
produced by lymphocytes - they remember the specific antibody needed to fight a particular antigen and pathogen so that if the body comes into contact with the same pathogen, it can react more quickly to the disease
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medicines that help to cure bacterial disease by killing infectious bacteria inside the body
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why antibiotics cannot fight viruses
viruses inhabit the living cells of our body, so the antibiotics cannot acces them
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what can lead to resistant strains of bacteria
overuse and misuse of antibiotics
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they help to relieve the symptoms of infectious disease, but do not kill the pathogens
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smallest pathogen
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why many strains of bacteria, like MRSA, become resistant to antibiotics
as a result of natural selection, some of the pathogens mutate and develop a resistance to antibiotics, then they multiply to develop a huge strain of antibiotic resistant bacteria
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the main barrier to infection
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barriers to infection: eyes
blink to remove dirt and tears contain a chemical that destroys bacteria
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barriers to infection: nose
nasal hairs catch dirt and dust, and mucus traps dust and microbes that enter through the air
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barriers to infection: urine
contains a mild antiseptic and flushes bacteria out of the urethra
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barriers to infection: platelets
platelets make the blood clot, so it forms a scab to prevent microbes entering through the cut and to stop excessive bleeding
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barriers to infection: saliva
contains a chemical that kills bacteria
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barriers to infection: wax
ear wax traps microbes and has some antiseptic properties
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infectious disease
a disease which is caused by a microbe and which can be passed from one person to another
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a very small organism that can only be seen using a microscope - eg. bacteria
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a poison made by a bacterium or virus
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four ways of spreading disease
direct contact, droplet infection, contaminated food and water and animal vectors
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droplet infection
when you cough, sneeze or talk, droplets from your breathing system containing pathogens disperse into the air - then other people inhale the pathogen and become infected
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direct contact
when the pathogen is directly transferred over from an infected person, or their belongings, to a clean person
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contaminated food and water
aka food poisoning - pathogens that are present in/on raw/undercooked food and water contaminated by sewage transfer into the digestive system when that food/water in taken in
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animal vectors
when animals, like mosquitos, that carry pathogens make direct contact with another animal
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diseases spread by: droplet infection
flu, TB, anthrax, viral meningitis and hand, foot + mouth disease
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diseases spread by: direct contact
impetigo, bacterial meningitis, measles, small pox and conjunctivitis
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diseases spread by: contaminated food and water
cholera, salmonella, typhoid fever and dysentry
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diseases spread by: animal vectors
malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, elephantiasis and typhus
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disease - bacterial or viral? chicken pox
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disease - bacterial or viral? MMR
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disease - bacterial or viral? TB
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disease - bacterial or viral? smallpox
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disease - bacterial or viral? dysentry
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disease - bacterial or viral? cholera
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disease - bacterial or viral? polio
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disease - bacterial or viral? influenza
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a substance that alters the chemical processes in your body
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illegal drugs
against the law to take (unless prescribed) or sell
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legal drugs
not against the law to take or sell
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prescription drugs
prescribed or ordered by a doctor
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over the counter drugs
can be bought in shops
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recreational drugs
taken for pleasure (to make you feel good/reduce stress) illegal or legal
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performance inhancing drugs
taken by athletes to improve performance - banned by sporting authorities, some illegal but some are legally available on prescription
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speed up the activity of the brain to make you feel alert and energetic
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slow down the response of the brain to make you feel calm and sleepy
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pain killers
reduce/stop the feeling of pain in the body
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make you hear or see things that are not actually there (hallucinate)
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Card 2




the main fuel for supplying energy to the cells - the cells release this energy by using sugars such as glucose in the respiration process

Card 3




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Card 4




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