Biology - Variation and evolution

What does variation describe?
Differences in characteristics of individuals within a population
1 of 9
A new species is made when 2 populations have diverged so much that they cannot do what?
2 of 9
True or false. "Within a population, all individuals have the same genetics."
3 of 9
Dairy cows and wheat are well suited to their purpose due to what?
Selective breeding
4 of 9
Which of these is NOT a potential danger of selective breeding?
Its either A. a species may no longer be able to breed with its species it has evolved from
B. a species may become more susceptible to disease
C. a species may not adapt as well to environmental change
5 of 9
Golden rice is supplemented with which of the following vitamins?
Vitamin A
6 of 9
What is the name given to the loop of bacterial DNA often used as a vector in genetic engineering?
7 of 9
What is a potential risk of genetic engineering for farmers?
Transplanted gene could escape into the natural environment and create herbicide resistant weeds
8 of 9
According to Alfred Wallace's proposal, is the first stage in speciation?
Geographical isolation
9 of 9

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Card 2


A new species is made when 2 populations have diverged so much that they cannot do what?



Card 3


True or false. "Within a population, all individuals have the same genetics."


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Dairy cows and wheat are well suited to their purpose due to what?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Which of these is NOT a potential danger of selective breeding?


Preview of the front of card 5
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