
What do vaccinations do?
Provent us from future disease.
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How do vaccinations work?
Involve injecting small amounts of dead or inactive pathogens, these carry antigens which cause your body to produce antibodies to attack them-even though the pathogen is harmless. If you are infected again the white blood cells rapidly mass produce.
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What are the pros of vaccination?
Vaccines help to control lots of communicable disease and they can prevent big outbreaks of disease called epidemics.
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What are the cons of vaccinations?
They dont always work and people can get bad reactions to them.
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What infection is resistant to antibiotics?
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How do we reduce the rate of development of antibiotic resistance?
doctors should prescribe antibiotics correctly, patients should complete their course of antibiotics so all bacteria are killed, the agricultural use of antibiotics should be restricted.
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Card 2


How do vaccinations work?


Involve injecting small amounts of dead or inactive pathogens, these carry antigens which cause your body to produce antibodies to attack them-even though the pathogen is harmless. If you are infected again the white blood cells rapidly mass produce.

Card 3


What are the pros of vaccination?


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Card 4


What are the cons of vaccinations?


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Card 5


What infection is resistant to antibiotics?


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