Biology Unit 5 - Climate Change

What is climate change?
Term used to describe a significant change in the weather of a region usually over a period of several decades
1 of 9
3 types of evidence for climate change?
1) Temp records 2) Dendrochronology 3) Peat bogs
2 of 9
How has temperature around the world been measured?
Using thermometers
3 of 9
What do these records give? (+)/(-) ?
A reliable but short term record of global temp changes
4 of 9
How many rings do most trees produce annually?
5 of 9
What does the thickness of the ring depend on
Climate - warmer rings are thicker
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Why are they thicker?
Because the conditions for growth are better
7 of 9
What is persevered in peat bogs?
8 of 9
How do they show climate?
If pollen from warm climates present then know that the year was a warmer one
9 of 9

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Card 2


3 types of evidence for climate change?


1) Temp records 2) Dendrochronology 3) Peat bogs

Card 3


How has temperature around the world been measured?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What do these records give? (+)/(-) ?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How many rings do most trees produce annually?


Preview of the front of card 5
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