biology sex test plants and humans and animals y7 14.03.20

  • Created by: Bobbyel11
  • Created on: 14-03-20 11:58
what does the foetus mean
when the embryo has grown all of its organs it is called this, it takes roughly around 10 weeks
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what is the umbilical cord
a cord that carries food/oxygen/waste between placenta and foetus
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what is a gamete
the collective word that describes the male and female sex cell meeting and producing a zygote
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what is the uterus
the place where baby develops
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what is the embryo
the name given to the baby when it is 0 to 10 weeks old, formed from cell division
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what is menstruation
the process of the uterus lining breaking
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what is it called when blood passes out of the vagina
a period
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what is it called when the egg prepares to leave the ovary
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what is it called when the egg is let out of the ovary
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what day does ovulation take place
the 14th
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how long does menstruation last for
28 days
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why is the sperm cell streamlined
so that it can swim faster
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what adaptation does the egg cell have to help it in the process of fertilisation
it is a lot bigger than the male sex cell, so that the sperm can fetilise it easily
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why do some flowers have brightly coloured petals
to attrackt insects to pollinate them, such as bees
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what are the two main types of pollination
wind and insect/animal polliantion
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can most plants be pollinated by both main agents of pollination
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why does the smell of a flower/plant impact fertilisation
beacuse the smell attrackst the insects / animals
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what else attrackts insects / animals
nectar, especially for bees
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what are the two types of plant fertilisation
self and cross
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what is the process of plant fertilisation
the pollen moves via an agent of pollination from the anther to the stigma, then the stigma keeps hold of the pollen and the pollen grain makes pollen tubes down the style all the way to the ovule. Next the nucleus of the pollen/ovule fuse together
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what are the female parts of a plant and what is their collective name
carpel: stigma style petal
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what are the male parts of a plant and what is their collective name
stamen: anther filament
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is the umbilical cord


a cord that carries food/oxygen/waste between placenta and foetus

Card 3


what is a gamete


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the uterus


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is the embryo


Preview of the front of card 5
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