biology - raw enzymes (thinking bigger)

how does eating raw foods help your body?
if person doesn't eat enough raw enzymes, digestive system has to produce them; reduces number of enzymes available for metabolic reactions taking place in cells
1 of 7
what percentage of food intake should be raw?
2 of 7
what else can you do apart from increase raw enzyme intake?
eat less, chew more, and don't chew gum
3 of 7
why should you avoid chewing gum?
decreases saliva protease levels
4 of 7
why is eating raw food better than eating cooked food?
heat in the oven or microwave denature enzymes
5 of 7
how much faster do raw foods move through digestive system?
50% faster
6 of 7
is all of this information reliable?
probably not; it's used to draw in readers
7 of 7

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Card 2


what percentage of food intake should be raw?



Card 3


what else can you do apart from increase raw enzyme intake?


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Card 4


why should you avoid chewing gum?


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Card 5


why is eating raw food better than eating cooked food?


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