Biology paper 2: inheritance, variation and evolution (classification).

  • Created by: aliciasp
  • Created on: 07-02-20 17:07
How have living things traditionally been classified?
They have been classified into groups based on their structure and characteristics.
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Who developed one of the main systems used?
Carl Linnaeus.
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What order did Linnaeus classify living things in?
Look in book.
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What are organisms made by?
Organisms are named by the binomial system, ie thye have two parts to their latin name. The first part is their genus, the second part is their species.
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Why were new models of classification proposed?
Microscopes improved, so scientists learnt more about cells. Biochemical processes became better understood.
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What is the system developed by Carl Woesse, due to evidence from genetic studies, called?
The three-domain system/
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In this system, what are organisms divided by?
Archea, bacteria and eukaryota.
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What may extinction be caused by?
Changes to the environment over geological time. New predators. New diseases. New, more successful competitors. A single catastrophic event.
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What is one example of an animal extinct due to over-hunting.
The auk (a penguin).
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What are evolutionary trees?
They are a method used by scientists to show how they think organisms are related.
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What data do they use and for what?
They use current classification data for living organisms and fossil data for extinct organisms.
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What is Alfred Russel Wallace's theory for speciation?
Look in book.
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Where do new species often form?
On islands as they are isolated from populations on other islands.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who developed one of the main systems used?


Carl Linnaeus.

Card 3


What order did Linnaeus classify living things in?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are organisms made by?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why were new models of classification proposed?


Preview of the front of card 5
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