Biology Paper 2 Ecology 9-1

What is a Habitat?
The place where an organism lives
1 of 25
What is Population?
All the organisms of one species living in a habitat
2 of 25
What is a Community?
The populations of different species in a habitat
3 of 25
What is an Abiotic factor?
Non living factors of the environment such as temperature
4 of 25
Give 5 Abiotic Factors
Moisture,Light,Temperature,Carbon Dioxide levels, Wind intensity,Oxygen,Soil pH
5 of 25
What is a Biotic factor?
Living factors of an environment such as food
6 of 25
Give 3 Biotic Factors
New Predators,New pathogens, Competition, Availability of food
7 of 25
What is an Ecosystem?
The interaction of living organisms with the non living parts of their environment
8 of 25
What is competition?
Where organisms compete with another for the same resources in a habitat
9 of 25
What is interdependence?
When a species depends on another species for things such as food,shelter,pollination and seed dispersal
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What is a stable community?
Where all species and environmental factors are in balance.
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What 3 types of adaptations are there?
Structural, Behavioral and Functional
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What is a structural adaptation?
Features of the organisms body structure such as colour and shape
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What is behavioral adaptation?
The ways that the organism behaves such as migration
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What is functional adaptation?
Changes on the inside of an organism's body such as metabolism and reproduction
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What is an extremophile?
A microorganism that lives in very extreme conditions such as volcanic vents
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What are the main 4 sections of the food chain?
Producers, Primary consumers, Secondary consumers and Tertiary consumers
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What are the main three environmental changes that could affect organisms?
Availability of water, temperature and atmospheric gases
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What causes environmental changes?
Seasonal factors, Geographical factors or human interaction.
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What is the water cycle?
Evaporation and transpiration, condensation into clouds, precipitation. Repeat
20 of 25
What is the carbon cycle?
CO2 is removed by photosynthesis, some CO2 returns when plants respire. Animals respire CO2. Plants and animals are eaten by creatures which release CO2. All this CO2 cycles around.
21 of 25
What effects the rate of decay?
Tempature, Oxygen availability, Water availability, Number of decay organisms
22 of 25
What is Biogas?
Mainly methane which can be burned as fuel
23 of 25
How do we produce biogas?
By using different microorganisms that decay plant and animal waste anaerobically.
24 of 25
What two types of biogas generators are there?
Batch generators and Continuous generators
25 of 25

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is Population?


All the organisms of one species living in a habitat

Card 3


What is a Community?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is an Abiotic factor?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Give 5 Abiotic Factors


Preview of the front of card 5
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