biology paper 2 - b15

what is Darwins theory
evolution by natural selection
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what are fossils
remains of an organism millions of years ago preserved in rocks, ice...
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what is one way a fossil is formed
when an animal does no decay after it dies, it means little or no oxygen is there, or a poisonous gas kills off the bacteria which causes it to decay or the tempurature is too low, can extract DNA and compare to modern things
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how else are fossils formed
harder parts of the animal/plant is replaced by minerals as they decay and become part of the rock.
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hwo are mould fossils formed
when an impression of an organism is made in mud and then becomes fossilised
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how are cast fossils made
when a mould is filled in
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why is the fossil record not complete
early forms of life were soft bodies, little fossil traces, or destroyed by geological activity (formation of mountain ranges, erosion, volcanoes, and earthquakes) they died and did not fossilise, fossils still to be found
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what do fossils show you
how they organisms have changed and developed overtime
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what is extinction
permanent loss of all the members of a species
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what are some causes of extinction
change in temp, new predators, new diseases, more successful competetors, changes in environment
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how can new predators cause extinction
if prey does not have adaptations to avoid them, they can wipe them out very quickly, too advanced for the prey and the prey cannot compete, may move but not settle and adapt to new environment
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how can a new disease cause extinction
on islands, the species are all close together, communcable disease, attacks and kills quickly
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how can successful competition cause extinction
new mutations can give organisms an advantage, it can take over an original species and replace it, breed faster, run faster, attack better...
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what could a colossal volcanic eruption impact and cause
impacts the extinction rate, and can cause a massive gap in fossil record as a species died out
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how did dinosaurs become extinct
the astroid impact would cause huge fires, earthquakes, landslides and tsunamis. dust in the atmosphere made the atmosphere very dark, plants struggled to survive with drop of temp, many species died including dino's
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whta can some bacteria develop
resistant to antibiotics, natural mutation, a change in genetic material, so they are not affected by the antibiotic.
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when a natural mutation happens in bacteria, what do they produce
happens by chance, and produce new strains of bacteria by natural selection, bacteria can evolve rapidly as they can reproduce at a fast rate
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what is important to do when using antibiotics
don't overuse, finish the course of medication, to make sure all bacteria is killed so none survive to mutate and form resistant strains and restrict agricultural use of antibiotics
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what is using antibiotics in agriculture
is is used to prevent the spread of antibiotic resistance from animal to human pathogens
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how can antibiotic resistant bacteria be reduced
only used when really needed, specific bacteria treated with specific to antibiotic, high standards of hygiene, isolate patients with antibiotic resistance, vistors washa and clean hands before and after visit
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development of antibiots - disadvantages
slow, expensive
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what is classification
the organisation of living things into groups according to their similarities
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who invented classification
Carl Linnaeus, he grouped them together depending on their structure and characteristics
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what are the classified groups in order, biggest to smallest
kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species
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what is a species
a group of organisms that can breed together to produce a fertile offspring
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what does binomal mean
two names
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what is the first name of
a genus, capital letter
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what is the second name of
the species, lower case letter
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what is a domain
the classification above kingdoms
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what do evolutionary trees show us
evolutionary relationships between organisms
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what are 3 examples of the three domain system
archaea, bacteria, eukaryota
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what does classification help us to do
to understand evolutionary and ecological relationships
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what are fossils


remains of an organism millions of years ago preserved in rocks, ice...

Card 3


what is one way a fossil is formed


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


how else are fossils formed


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


hwo are mould fossils formed


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