Biology paper 1

  • Created by: elsm17
  • Created on: 09-06-21 14:45
whats is and what happens in the cytoplasm ?
its a jelly like material that contains dissolved nutrients, salts and structures called organelles. Many chemical reactions happen in the cytoplasm
1 of 10
what does the nucleus contain and do ?
it contains genetic material - including the DNA, which controls the cells activities
2 of 10
what does a cell membrane do ?
it controls the movement of substances in and out the cell
3 of 10
a cell membrane is ...
permeable to some substances but not to others ( and so it controls the movement of substances in and out the cell)
4 of 10
whats a mitochondria
mitochondria's are organelles that contain the enzymes for respiration
5 of 10
what are ribsomes
tiny structures where protein synthesis occurs
6 of 10
whats in a plant cell that isn't in an animal cell
chloroplasts , cell wall , permanent vacuole
7 of 10
whats a chloroplast ?
An organelle that contains the green pigment - chlorophyll which absorbs light energy for photosynthesis (contains the enzyme for photosynthesis )
8 of 10
whats a cell wall made from and what does it do ?
made from cellulose fibres , strengthens the cell and supports the plant
9 of 10
whats a permanent vacuole ans whats its job
filed with cell sap to help keep the cell turgid
10 of 10

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Card 2


what does the nucleus contain and do ?


it contains genetic material - including the DNA, which controls the cells activities

Card 3


what does a cell membrane do ?


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Card 4


a cell membrane is ...


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


whats a mitochondria


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