biology- nerves and hormones

what produces hormones?
1 of 17
what does oestrogen do?
causes the piturartry gland to release LH and inhibits the release of FSH
2 of 17
what is a reflex action?
an automatic response
3 of 17
how many sense organs does the human body have?
4 of 17
how can oestrogen be used to stop fertility?
to inhibit the release of FSH which matures a fertalised egg
5 of 17
where is oestrogen produced?
the ovaries.
6 of 17
how long do the effects of hormones last?
a very long time
7 of 17
what does FSH do?
causes an egg to mature in one of the ovaries and stimulates the egg to produce oestrogen
8 of 17
what are hormones?
chemicals, 'messangers', in the blood
9 of 17
what three hormones control the different stages of the menstral cycle
FSH, LH, oestrogen
10 of 17
where is FSH produced?
the pituitary gland
11 of 17
what does LH do?
stimulates the release of an egg
12 of 17
what is a synapse
a connection between two neurons
13 of 17
in what order to FSH, LH and oestrogen come in?
FSH, oestrogen and LH
14 of 17
where is LH produced
the pituitary gland
15 of 17
how does a sygnal transfer to a synapse?
through chemical diffusion
16 of 17
what are motor neurons?
nerve cells that carry signals through an electrical pulse from the CNS to the effector
17 of 17

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Card 2


what does oestrogen do?


causes the piturartry gland to release LH and inhibits the release of FSH

Card 3


what is a reflex action?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


how many sense organs does the human body have?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


how can oestrogen be used to stop fertility?


Preview of the front of card 5
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