Biology mock questions and corrections

  • Created by: ElishaG
  • Created on: 14-03-17 19:16
What is the magnification and resolution of light Microscopes, TEM and SEM Microscopes?
Light- M=x1500, =200nm. TEM-M=500,000,r=0.2nm ,SEM-M=x100,000, r=0.2nm
1 of 21
Which ions are the cofactors for a) amylase and b)the prosthetic group for carbonic anhydrase?
a) Cl- b)Zn2+
2 of 21
Which of the following is found in prokaryotes and eukaryotes?a)peptodoglican cell wall b)genomic DNA c)nucleus with membrane d)ribosomes?
D, ribosomes.
3 of 21
What would the ventricular pressure on a graph look like during ventricular diastole?
The pressure would be increasing.
4 of 21
What is the pressure like in a)blood in aorta.b)tissue fluid.c)Lymph.d)Blood in vena cava?
a)high. b)low. c)low. d)low.
5 of 21
State two procedures that must be followed to obtain valid results when measuring conc. of sucrose in potato discs.
1)Same sized discs of potato tuber tissue. 2)Blot the discs to remove excess water.
6 of 21
Explain how a student could use data in a table showing conc.of sucrose and mass of potato to determine water potential.
1)Draw graph and look where is crosses x axis, when it crosses the water potential is equal. Repeat the experiment with concentrations that were close to x-axis for more accurate results.
7 of 21
What would be found in the cytoplasm of the immersed potato cells?
Sucrose solution.
8 of 21
Suggest and explain how root hairs of halophytes(live in low water potential) are able to absorb water by osmosis on sea salt marsh.
1) water potential in plant will be lower so water will be transported by osmosis.2)Root hair cells can actively transport ions to lower water potential.
9 of 21
What type of chemical reaction takes place when two nucleotides in a single polynucleotide strand are joined together?
10 of 21
What is the name of the chemical release when the bond is formed between two nucleotides?
11 of 21
A DNA molecule contains two polynucleotide chains. Describe how these chains are held together.
1)Nucleotides held by phosphodiester bonds between phosphate group and deoxyribose sugar.2)Polynucleotide chains held by hydrogen bonds between complementary bases.3)3 hydrogen bonds between G and C, 2 hydrogen bonds between A and T.
12 of 21
Suggest the effects that the contraction of smooth muscle in walls of airways has on ventilation.
1)Lumen on bronchi/bronchioles get smaller.2)Less air can be inhaled.3)Breathing rate increases to compensate.
13 of 21
What breathing instruction would be given to someone who's vital capacity was being measured?
1)Take absolute breath in. 2)Take absolute breath out.
14 of 21
Using your knowledge of the formation of structural polysaccharides, describe the formation of the chitin molecule from its monomer and predict the structure.
1)formed by condensation.2)Water is released.3)Similar to cellulose.4)Forms long,straight chains.5)Every other monomer inverted.
15 of 21
What is the function of chitin?
Give structure and prevent collapse.
16 of 21
There are two models for mechanism of enzyme action. Outline how temperature change can age for these mechanisms.
1)Lock and key, active site and substrate complementary.2)Enzyme-substrate complex forms, products released.3)Induced fit theory-similar shape, enzyme slightly adapts.4)Just like a hand and glove.Continued.....
17 of 21
5)Temperature increase- rate of reaction increases, optimum temperature reached.6)Then rate will decline as it's too hot- enzyme denatures(irreversible).7)Temperature decrease- rate of reaction will continue to decline.
18 of 21
What type of circulatory system do humans, amphibians and bony fish have?
Closed circulatory system.
19 of 21
How does the circulatory system of a fish compare to that of a mammal?
Fish- single circulatory. Mammal- double circulatory.
20 of 21
Compare the circulatory system to form a frog and a mammal.
1)both double and closed systems- definitions for each.2)One ventricle in amphibian, oxygenated an deoxygenated blood mixes- this doesn't happen in mammals.3)Frog system less effective as each haemoglobin is bound to less oxygen.
21 of 21

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Which ions are the cofactors for a) amylase and b)the prosthetic group for carbonic anhydrase?


a) Cl- b)Zn2+

Card 3


Which of the following is found in prokaryotes and eukaryotes?a)peptodoglican cell wall b)genomic DNA c)nucleus with membrane d)ribosomes?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What would the ventricular pressure on a graph look like during ventricular diastole?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the pressure like in a)blood in aorta.b)tissue fluid.c)Lymph.d)Blood in vena cava?


Preview of the front of card 5
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