Biology Key Word Definitions (G-H)

What is a gamete?
A sex cell which has half the chromosome number of an ordinary cell.
1 of 21
What is gaseous exchange?
The exchange of gases, e.g. the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide which occurs between the air in the lungs and the blood.
2 of 21
What is a gene?
A short section of DNA carrying genetic information.
3 of 21
What is a genetic disorder?
Disease which is inherited.
4 of 21
What is genetic engineering/modification?
A technique for changing the genetic information of a cell.
5 of 21
What is genetic material?
The DNA which carries the instructions for making a new cell or a new individual.
6 of 21
What is geographical isolation?
This is when two populations become physically isolated by a geographical feature.
7 of 21
What is glandular tissue?
The tissue which makes up the glands and secretes chemicals, e.g. enzymes, hormones.
8 of 21
What is global warming?
Warming of the Earth due to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trapping infrared radiation from the surface.
9 of 21
What is glucose?
A simple sugar.
10 of 21
What is glycerol?
Building block of lipids.
11 of 21
What is glycogen?
Carbohydrate store in animals, including the muscles, liver and brain of the human body.
12 of 21
What is gravitropism?
The response of a plant to the force of gravity controlled by auxin.
13 of 21
What is greenhouse effect?
The trapping of infrared radiation from the Sun as a result of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, in the Earth's atmosphere. The greenhouse effect maintains the surface of the Earth at a temperature suitable for life.
14 of 21
What is greenhouse gas?
Gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, which absorb infrared radiated from the Earth, and result in warming up the atmosphere.
15 of 21
What are guard cells?
The cells which surround stomata in the leaves of plants and control their opening and closing.
16 of 21
What is haemoglobin?
The red pigment which carries oxygen around the body.
17 of 21
What s the heart?
The muscular organ which pumps blood around the body.
18 of 21
What is herbicide?
Chemicals that kill plants.
19 of 21
What is a herbivore?
An animal that feeds on plants.
20 of 21
What is homeostasis?
The maintenance of constant internal body conditions.
21 of 21

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is gaseous exchange?


The exchange of gases, e.g. the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide which occurs between the air in the lungs and the blood.

Card 3


What is a gene?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a genetic disorder?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is genetic engineering/modification?


Preview of the front of card 5
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