Biology-B6-Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

  • Created by: tonisha_
  • Created on: 25-02-23 14:22
Bacteria can evolve rapidly because?
it reproduces at a fast rate
1 of 20
What is an example of an antibiotic resistant bacteria?
2 of 20
How does it happen
Firstly bacteria may have a?
3 of 20
This leads to it?
becoming resistant
4 of 20
When the antibiotic is used what will happen?
all bacteria will be killed apart from resistant bacteria
5 of 20
The antibiotic resistant strain will then?
survive and reproduce
6 of 20
The population of the strain?
7 of 20
This will then?
8 of 20
Since people are not?
immune to it
9 of 20
And there is no?
effective treatment
10 of 20
Ways to reduce resistance
Doctors shouldnt?
prescribe antibiotics inappropriately
11 of 20
For example?
for a virus
12 of 20
Patients must?
complete the full course
13 of 20
This ensures all?
bacteria is killed
14 of 20
And none?
15 of 20
To _______ and become ______?
to mutate and become resistant
16 of 20
We should also restrict its use?
within agriculture
17 of 20
Researchers are currently developing?
new antibiotics
18 of 20
But the problem is that it is very (2)?
slow and costly
19 of 20
And it is also hard to?
keep up with the new emerging strains
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is an example of an antibiotic resistant bacteria?



Card 3


How does it happen
Firstly bacteria may have a?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


This leads to it?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When the antibiotic is used what will happen?


Preview of the front of card 5
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