Biology B3-Science mini test

This is really basic but it kinda maybe a little will help!

  • Created by: Tuta Akad
  • Created on: 22-04-17 17:00

1. how many defences are there and name them

  • 1)external -physical barriers:mucus,tears,hairs and skin. Another line of defence healing wounds (forming scabs:platelets and fibrin) and the nose 2)Internal- HCl acid in stomach so when digested microbes get killed,Immune system
  • dumb answer
1 of 4

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2. Explain immune system

  • dumb answer
  • The immune system is a system that protects the body.The white blood cells attack and destroy the pathagon.There are 2 types of WBC 1-Phagocytes:ingest pathagon 2- Lymphocytes:produce antibodies which clump antigens+produce antitoxins netrualise
  • ..posionous effect

3. Spread of infectious diseases can be reduced by...

  • -Simple hygiene measures -destroying vectors -isolation -vaccination
  • killing everyone
  • dumb answer

4. what are pathogens and how can they spread?

  • Pathogens are microorganisms that cause infections(communicable) diseases. They can be spread by: -direct contact -water or air - vectors(spread diseases but dont catch them itself E.g: Mosquito-Malaria
  • are viruses
  • are bacteria


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