Biology B3 Infection and response 2

Biology B3 Disease and Response
Q. What is the difference between a blind and a double blind trial
A. In a blind trial the patients are unaware if they are being administered a drug or a placebo. In a double blind trial the doctors are unaware as well.
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Biology B3 Disease and Response
Q. What are the five stages of drug development
1. Testing on human tissue
2. Testing on animals
3.Testing on healthy volunteers
4.Testing on a small number of patients
5. Testing on a large group of patients
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Biology B3 Disease and Response
Q. What is a placebo
A. A pill of sugar and water.
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B3 Biology Diseases and Response
Q. Why don't antibiotics work on viruses.
A. They target cell walls (which viruses don't have) and virus hide in human cells
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Biology B3 Disease and Response
Q. How are monoclonal antibodies made
A. By combining Stem cells that can replicate with white blood cells which can create antibodies
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Biology B3 Disease and Response
Q. How are do Pregnancy Tests Work
A. Antibodies that latch onto an enzyme produced are attached to dye and placed in the test. The tester places a salvia sample and if the enzymes latch onto it they move to form a line.
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Biology B3 Disease and Response
Q. How do you determine if a plant is suffering from an illness
A. Consult a gardening book or website, get an expert or send a sample to a dedicated testing site.
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Biology B3 Disease and Response
Q. Define physical, chemical and mechanical plant defences
A. Physical are part of the plants structure, E.G Waxy cuticle, Chemical are chemicals released by the plant, E.G Nettles, Mechanical are movements trigged by the plant (E.G recoiling when touched)
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Card 2


Biology B3 Disease and Response
Q. What are the five stages of drug development


1. Testing on human tissue
2. Testing on animals
3.Testing on healthy volunteers
4.Testing on a small number of patients
5. Testing on a large group of patients

Card 3


Biology B3 Disease and Response
Q. What is a placebo


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Card 4


B3 Biology Diseases and Response
Q. Why don't antibiotics work on viruses.


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Card 5


Biology B3 Disease and Response
Q. How are monoclonal antibodies made


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