Biology-B1-Chromosomes and Mitosis

  • Created by: tonisha_
  • Created on: 25-06-22 15:45
What are chromosomes?
lengths of DNA
1 of 24
Chromosomes are found where?
in the nucleus
2 of 24
The body cells contains how many of each chromosome?
3 of 24
Human cells contains how many pairs of chromosomes?
46 individual
4 of 24
What do chromosomes carry?
What do they determine?
carry genes which determine our features
5 of 24
What is mitosis?
the cell division cycle
6 of 24
Firstly, the cell______ and sub cellular structures also ________ e.g. ________?
cell grows
7 of 24
What does the DNA do?
8 of 24
To form what?
2 copies of each chromosome
9 of 24
The chromosomes will then _______ up at the ______ of the cell?
line up at the centre of the cell
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And each set is _________ to _______ ______ of the cell
is pulled to opposite sides of the cell
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By what?
cell fibres
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What else also divides?
the nucleus
13 of 24
This is where?
mitosis takes place
14 of 24
This then forms what?
two identical daughter cells
15 of 24
That are also known as?
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Function of Mitosis

Mitosis is essential for the what of a multicellular organism?
growth and development
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When an organism does what to itself?
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During what?
asexual reproduction
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What two reason is why mitosis occurs?
repair and to replace damaged cells
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What is a diploid?
contains two complete sets of chromosomes
21 of 24
What is a haploid?
contains a single set of chromosomes
22 of 24
Where are haploids produced?
23 of 24
How many are produced?
24 of 24

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Chromosomes are found where?


in the nucleus

Card 3


The body cells contains how many of each chromosome?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Human cells contains how many pairs of chromosomes?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What do chromosomes carry?
What do they determine?


Preview of the front of card 5
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