Biology-B1-Binary Fission

  • Created by: tonisha_
  • Created on: 29-10-22 18:54
What is binary fission?
the multiplying and dividing of bacteria
1 of 10
Firstly, what replicates in the cell?
circular DNA and plasmids
2 of 10
Then the cell will?
get bigger
3 of 10
And the DNA circles do what?
move to either side of cell
4 of 10
Then the cytoplasm will do what?
begin to divide and form new walls
5 of 10
This produces two?
daughter cells
6 of 10
And each one has?
one copy of circular DNA
7 of 10
But has a?
variable number of plasmids
8 of 10
How do we calculate the number of divisions of bacteria?
total time/ mean division time
9 of 10
Then how do we calculate the exact number of bacteria produced?
put the number of divisions as a power above the number 2

e.g.2 to the power of 9
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Firstly, what replicates in the cell?


circular DNA and plasmids

Card 3


Then the cell will?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


And the DNA circles do what?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Then the cytoplasm will do what?


Preview of the front of card 5
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