Biology 3.1

The universal energy carrier found in all living cells
Adenosine Triphosphate
1 of 14
An enzyme found embedded in cellular membranes that phosphorylates ADP to form ATP as protons flow through it.
ATP synthase
2 of 14
The synthesis of ATP through the movement of protons down their concentration gradient across a semipermeable membrane, catalysed by ATP synthase.
3 of 14
An organelle found in plants and algae that is the site of photosynthesis
4 of 14
A series of electron carrier proteins that transfer electrons in a chain of oxidation-reduction reactions
Electron transport chain
5 of 14
A molecule that is capable of accepting and donating electrons e.g. NAD, NADP
Electron carrier
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The mitochondrial membrane that segregates the matrix from the inter-membrane space. It is the sit of the electron transport chain.
Inner mitochondrial membrane
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The small space between the inner and outer mitochondrial membranes. Protons flow out of the intermembrane space across the inner membrane
Intermembrane space
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The fluid-filled space within the inner membrane of the mitochondria which contains mitochondrial DNA and enzymes required for aerobic respiration. Protons flow across the inner membrane into the matrix
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An organelle found in eukaryotic cells that is the site of aerobic respiration
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An integral membrane protein that establishes a proton gradient for ATP synthesis across a membrane
Proton pump
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The fluid interior of chloroplasts that contain the enzymes required for the light-dependent reaction. Protons flow across the thylakoid membrane into the stroma
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The membrane that segregates the thylakoid space from the stroma. It is the site of the electron transport transport chain
Thylakoid membrane
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The space inside the membrane-bound thylakoid disks. Protons flow out of the thylakoid space across the thylakoid membrane
thylakoid space
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Card 2


An enzyme found embedded in cellular membranes that phosphorylates ADP to form ATP as protons flow through it.


ATP synthase

Card 3


The synthesis of ATP through the movement of protons down their concentration gradient across a semipermeable membrane, catalysed by ATP synthase.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


An organelle found in plants and algae that is the site of photosynthesis


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Card 5


A series of electron carrier proteins that transfer electrons in a chain of oxidation-reduction reactions


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