Biology 26/09/19

  • Created by: jmghouri
  • Created on: 06-10-19 17:35
what is mitosis?
The type of cell division that leads to growth or repair
1 of 12
whats an allele?
a different version of the same gene
2 of 12
whats a gene?
a section of DNA that codes for a characteristic
3 of 12
whats a genome?
all the genetic material of a organism
4 of 12
whats a genotype?
the genetic material/make-up of an organism(represented by the letters A,T,C and G
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whats a phenotype?
the physical characteristics or traits displayed by an organism. these are coded for by the genotype
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whats a dominant allele?
an allele that codes for a characteristic that will always be express, if only one dominant allele is present. represented by a capital letter
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whats recessive?
an allele that codes for a characteristic that will only be expressed if two alleles are present. represented by a lower case letter
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whats heterozygous?
the individual has two different alleles for a characteristic(Bb)
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whats homozygous?
an individual has two alleles for a characteristic that are the same(BB or bb)
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whats a gamete?
a cell that contains half the normal number of chromosomes. (sex cells) e.g. sperm,egg in animals or pollen and egg in plants
11 of 12
whats a chromosome?
a packet of genetic information found in the nucleus of a cell, humans have 46 of them and 23 pairs
12 of 12

Other cards in this set

Card 2


a different version of the same gene


whats an allele?

Card 3


a section of DNA that codes for a characteristic


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


all the genetic material of a organism


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


the genetic material/make-up of an organism(represented by the letters A,T,C and G


Preview of the back of card 5
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