Biology #2 Molecular bio PROTEINS

  • Created by: MBid89
  • Created on: 18-03-18 17:24
Define 'gene'
A section of DNA that codes for the amino acid sequence for 1 or more polypeptides
1 of 8
What substances are amino acids made of?
hydrogen atom, amine (or amino) group, carboxyl group, R (radical) group (different for each aa)
2 of 8
What is the name of the bond that is formed when two proteins join (via condensation reaction) to form a dipeptide or polypeptide?
Peptide bond
3 of 8
What is a polypeptide?
An unbranched chain of amino acids
4 of 8
Define 'proteome'
All of the proteins produced by a cell, tissue or organism. (like genome--all of the genes)
5 of 8
What are the 3 layers of protein structure (conformation)?
1. primary (order of amino acids) 2. secondary (AAs attracted to each other, creating 'folding') 3. tertiary (further folding makes 3D structure). The primary structure determines the final tertiary structure.
6 of 8
Explain how heat and pH causes denaturation of proteins
Heat causes vibrations within protein molecules that break intramolecular bonds & cause conformation to change irreversibly. Change from the optimum pH causes intramolecular bonds to break within the protein
7 of 8
Give an example of an enzyme, a hormone and an antibody
Enzyme: rubisco (catalyses photosynthesis reactions); Hormone: insulin (help body to absorb glucose & lower blood glucose conc.); Antibody: immunoglobin
8 of 8

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Card 2


What substances are amino acids made of?


hydrogen atom, amine (or amino) group, carboxyl group, R (radical) group (different for each aa)

Card 3


What is the name of the bond that is formed when two proteins join (via condensation reaction) to form a dipeptide or polypeptide?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a polypeptide?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Define 'proteome'


Preview of the front of card 5
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