Biological Approach

what are the three assumptions within the biological approach?
- Evolutionary Influences
- Neurotransmitters
- Localization of Brain Function
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Explain Evolutionary influences approach...
-Inheriting genes increases the likelihood of different behaviors occurring.
- If a genetically determined behavior promotes survival and reproduction it will be selected and passed on to the next generation.
- e.g. humans have evolved memory, language
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What is Natural selection?
The process of of passing on the most adaptive behaviors through our genes.
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Explain the Neurotransmitters approach...
- They are brain chemicals that communicate information throughout our brain and body, thus shaping our behavior.
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Explain the neurotransmitter diagram...
- One neuron communicates with another at a synapse through the release of neurotransmitter.
- These neurotransmitters are released from one neuron and will either simulate or inhibit
receptors in the other neuron, resulting in different behaviors.
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what is MAOA linked to?
- Warrior Gene linked to violent behavior
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What is CDH13 linked to?
Cadhein 13 linked violent behavior.
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what is DISC1 linked to?
Linked to schizophrenia
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What is DAOA linked to?
Linked to schizophrenia and also known as G72
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What is 5-HTT linked to?
Linked to depression.
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Explain the assumption Localization of Brain Function...
-Certain areas of the brain are responsible for specific behaviors.
-There is the cerebral cortex and this covers the surface of the brain like a tea-cozy and is responsible for higher cognitive functions.
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What are the 4 lobes?
-Frontal lobe (decision making, problem solving, planning, emotion.)
- Occipital Lobe (vision)
-Temporal Lobe (sound, memory)
-Parietal lobe (sensory information)
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How did psychosurgery begin?
-Psychosurgery began in the 1930's which involved destroying tissue in the frontal lobe.
- Holes were drilled into either side of he skull and an instrument resembling an icepick was inserted to destroy the nerve fibers.
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what are the two types of surgery?
Leucotomy and Transorbital lobotomy's.
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What is Leucotomy?
A narrow device was inserted into the frontal lobe. A retractable wire loop was then extended and rotated in order to destroy nerve fibers.
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What is Transorbital Lobotomy?
A knife as known as 'ice pick' was inserted under the eye lid into the back of the eye socket. This would break through the skull and then be oved around in order to destroy nerve fibres. This would be done through both eyes.
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How has Psychosurgery improved?
It has become less Invasive and and more precise.
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How did they improve psychosurgery?
Instead of destroying large sections of frontal lobe tissue, MRI scans are carried out to locate exact points within the brain that can be severed.
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What is Bilateral Cingulotomy?
-It is carried out using an anesthetic.
-This involves the specific nerve fibres being burnt away by heating the tip of an electrode, or using a gamma knifes to beam radiation at the specific location.
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What is deep brain simulation?
-This is where surgeons thread wires through the skull but not tissue is destroyed.
The wires remain imbedded in the brain and are connected to a battery pack in the chest
-The current can interrupt brain circuity involved in a disorder such as OCD and ca
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What are the negatives of the biological approach?
- Nature V Nurture- Only looks at inborn influences on behavior, therefore ignores the role of nurture and psychological factors such as how people think, feel.
-Individual differences- ignores individual differences and assumes that everyone's biological
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What are the positives of the biological approach?
-scientific: Brain structure and neurotransmitters has measurable and observable explanations for behavior.
-Applications: successfully applied in the real life in therapies such as psychosurgery.
-Deterministic- believes behavior is shaped by inborn fac
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What are the ethical issues with Psychosurgery?
-prefrontal lobotomies had a fatality rate up to 6%
-patients suffered physical harm during prefrontal lobotomies as well as being at risk to seizures and a lack of responsiveness.
-prefrontal lab became used as a way to deal with 'difficult' mental probl
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How is Psychosurgery effective?
- Cosgrove and Rauch found that bilateral cingulotomy was effective in 65% of patients suffering from major affective disorder.
- Mayberg et al found that 4/6 patients with severe depression had their symptoms dramatically reduced after having DBS.
- 70%
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How is Psychosurgery not effective?
-There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that prefrontal lobotomies had any effect on psychological disorders.
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Card 2


Explain Evolutionary influences approach...


-Inheriting genes increases the likelihood of different behaviors occurring.
- If a genetically determined behavior promotes survival and reproduction it will be selected and passed on to the next generation.
- e.g. humans have evolved memory, language

Card 3


What is Natural selection?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Explain the Neurotransmitters approach...


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Explain the neurotransmitter diagram...


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