Bacteria vs. Viruses

  • Created by: sakiya
  • Created on: 10-02-19 18:45
What type of cell is bacteria?
It is a prokaryotic cell: they do not have a nucleus, they have a lack of membrane bound organelles and they do not form spindle fibres during division.
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What organelles are present in bacteria?
Cell wall, capsule, flagellum. mesosome, cell membrane, ribosomes and pillus.
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Describe the structure of the cell wall (within bacteria)
It does not contain cellulose, it is made of peptidogylcan (a polysaccharide cross linked by peptide chains).
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What is a capsule?
A protective layer of mucus layer which prevents dehydration; it also allows bacteria to form colonies.
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What is a flagellum?
It is a tail like structure used for cell movement.
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What is a mesosome?
It is an infolding of the cell surface membrane.
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What are ribsomes?
They are the site at which protein synthesis occurs (they are free within the cytoplasm).
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What are pilli?
They are protein tubes that allow bacteria to attach to surfaces and are involved in cell to cell attachment.
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Describe the structure of viruses.
They a small organic particles that consist of a strand of nucleic acid (can be RNA or DNA) and they consist of a protein coat.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What organelles are present in bacteria?


Cell wall, capsule, flagellum. mesosome, cell membrane, ribosomes and pillus.

Card 3


Describe the structure of the cell wall (within bacteria)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a capsule?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a flagellum?


Preview of the front of card 5
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