B7 Animal coordination, control and homeostasis

What is a hormone?
A chemical message
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How do hormones travel around the body?
In the blood
2 of 43
What are hormones released from?
Endocrine glands
3 of 43
Name the 6 Endocrine glands
Pituitary, Thyroid, Adrenals, Pancreas, Testes, Ovaries
4 of 43
Which hormone does the thyriod release?
5 of 43
Which hormones does the pituitary gland release?
FSH, LH, Growth hormone
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Which hormone does the adrenal glands release?
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Which hormone does the pancreas release?
Insulin, Glucogon
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Which hormones do the ovaries release?
Oestrogen, Progesterone
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Which hormone does the testes release?
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What is the cycle of changes in a womans reproductive system called?
Menstrual cycle
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How long, on average, is the cycle?
28 days
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What occurs during days 1-5?
Menstration, Bleeding, Period
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What happens days 6-12?
The lining of the uterus increases in thickness
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What happens on day 14?
Egg is released/Ovulation
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What happens days 15-28?
The lining of the uterus stays thick.
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Which 2 hormones control the thickness of the lining of the uterus?
Oestrogen and progesterone
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Which hormone increases the lining of the uterus?
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Which hormone maintains the thickness of the uterus?
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What is contraception?
A method to avoid fertilisation of an egg
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What is fertilisation?
When the egg and sperm nuclei fuse together
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Name a type of barrier contraceptive
Condom, Diaphragm/cap
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Name a type of hormone contraceptive
Pill, Implant, Coil
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How do barrier methods of contraception stop fertilsation?
They prevent the sperm from reaching the egg
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How do hormone methods of contraception stop fertilisation?
They prevent an egg from being released (ovulation), thicken the cervical mucus so its harder for sperm to swim through to the egg
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What is homeostasis?
Maintenance Of a Stable Internal Environment (MOSIE)
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What 3 things do we need to maintain to keep us alive?
Water level, Temperature, Blood sugar
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Which 2 organs are involved in maintaining blood glucose levels?
Liver and pancreas
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Which hormone is released if blood sugar is too high?
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What does the hormone Insulin do?
causes the extra glucose to go INto the liver to be stored as glycogen
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Which hormone is released if blood sugar is too low?
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What does the hormone Glucagon do?
causes the liver to release the glucose back in to the liver
32 of 43
What disease would you have if you couldnt control your blood sugar?
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What is Type 1 Diabetes?
when your pancreas doesnt produce any insulin
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What may happen if you do not control your blood sugar?
It could be fatal (die)
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How can Type 1 Diabetes be treated?
1.careful attention to diet. 2. injecting with insulin
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What is Type 2 Diabetes?
When the cells have become resistant to Insulin
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How can Type 2 Diabetes be treated?
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What can increase the chances of getting diabetes?
Being Obese
39 of 43
What is BMI?
Body Mass Index
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Which category would you be in with a BMI of 30 or more?
41 of 43
How do you calculate BMI?
body mass (kg) / (height)2 (m)
42 of 43
Why is it better to use the waist:hip ratio measurement?
it measures abdominal fat which is closely linked to cardiovascular disease
43 of 43

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How do hormones travel around the body?


In the blood

Card 3


What are hormones released from?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name the 6 Endocrine glands


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Which hormone does the thyriod release?


Preview of the front of card 5
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