
  • Created by: Bootsy
  • Created on: 25-03-18 18:25
What is an abiotic factor?
A non-living fatcor that has an effect on a community
1 of 18
Give an exmaple of an abiotic factor
Light intensity, Temperature, cabron dioxide levels, wind intensity
2 of 18
AN increase in an abiotic factor can do what?
Affect plant groth and decrease the population size
3 of 18
What is a biotic factor?
A living factor that have an effect on a community
4 of 18
Give an example of a biotic factor
New predators, competition, avaliability of food
5 of 18
Define adaptations
Changing allowing organisms to survive
6 of 18
Name the three different parts adaptations can be divided into
Structual, Behavioural and Functional
7 of 18
Describe the process of the food chain
It starts with a producer who make there own food. Producers are eaten by primary consumers and primary consumers and eaten by secondary consumers who are eaten b y tertiary consumers
8 of 18
How do you use a quadrat?
Place it on the groud and count the organisms within the quadrat repeat the steps and work out the mean number of organisms per quadrant within the first area. Then repeat doing the same for the second area.
9 of 18
How do you use a transect
MArk out a line in the area you want to study. Count how many organisms are along that line that you are interested in that touch the line.
10 of 18
Define biodiversity
The variety of different species of organisms on earth or within an ecosystem
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Why is high biodiversity important?
It makes sure that ecosystems are stable because different species depend on each other for things needed to survive
12 of 18
What is global warming
The greenhouse gases trap the energy from the sun that would normally be radiated out into space and re-radiate them in all directions
13 of 18
What are the greenhouse gases
carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour
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What are the disadvantages of global warming?
Sea levels will rise causing flooding, loss of habitat, amount of rainfall changes, biodiversity could be reduced
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define deforestation
cutting down forest causing big problems
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What problems are caused from deforestation
Less co2 is taken in meaning more is in the air
17 of 18
What are peat bogs
areas of land that are acidic and waterlogged where piles of rotten plants sit
18 of 18

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Give an exmaple of an abiotic factor


Light intensity, Temperature, cabron dioxide levels, wind intensity

Card 3


AN increase in an abiotic factor can do what?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a biotic factor?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Give an example of a biotic factor


Preview of the front of card 5
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