
What is a stimulus?
A change in the enviroment of an organism.
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Name the two organs that make up the CNS
Spinal cord and brain.
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What do sensory neurones do?
Carry impulses from receptors to the CNS
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Where do motor neurones carry signals to and from?
To effectors and from the CNS.
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What are receptors?
Cells that detect stimuli.
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Give an example of a receptor
taste receptors on the tongue.
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What are effectors?
Muscles and glands which respond to nervous impulses.
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what is the role of the CNS?
To co ordinate a response.
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How do neurones transmit information?
By electrical impulses passing along the axon of the nerve cells.
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What is an axon?
Axons are made from nerve cells cytoplasm stretched out into a long fibre and surrounded by a cell membrane.
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What is the function of a fatty sheath surrounding some axons?
It acts as an electrical insulator, which shields the neurone from neighbouring cells and speeding up the electrical impulse.
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What is a synapse?
The gap between two neurones.
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Describe how impulses are transmitted across a synapse
Nerve impulses travel across the synapse of neurone 1, the impulse then triggers the release of transmitter chemicals, which bind to receptor molecules on the second neurone, the nerve impulse is then initiated in neurone 2.
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Describe one way which ecstacy can increase the concentration of serotonin in the brain
It blocks sites in the brains synapses where the transmitter chemical serotonin is removed.
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What is a reflex?
Involuntary responses (not thought about)
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Give two ways that simple reflexes increase an animals chance of survival
1) Animals with shells close their shells when they detect predators , this decreases their chance of being eaten. 2) somec sea animals wave their tenticles when they detect prey, which increases their chances of catching them.
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Give three examples of simple reflexes in humans
1) Eye muscle contracts to protect the eye from bright light. 2) Newborn babies autommatically suckle from their mothers. 3) Dropping hot objects.
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How are reflexes modified?
The response is over ridden by a neurone between the brain and the motor neurone of the reflex arc.
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Give an example of when it would be good to modify a reflex
When you pick up a hot object, you will want to drop it ( a reflex response to protect your skin) but if it was a plate for example ypu would be left with no tea so the response is over ridden by a neurone between the brain and the motor neurone.
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briefly describe the experiment carried out by Pavlov on reflexes
Pavlov noticed that dogs salivad when they smelt/saw food. So he rang a bell just before the dog was going to eat, after a while he noticed that the dog salivated when the bell rung. The bell was a secondary stimulus. This is a conditioned reflex.
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Describe an example of a conditioned reflex
A bird spot a brightly coloured insect, when eaten it does not taste good and makes the bird feel ill, the bird associates the ill feeling with the colour of the insect. So now avoids that colour insect.
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How can new experiences increase the number of connections in the brain of a child?
When a neurone is stimulated by the new experience, it branches out, which connects cells.
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What happens to pathways when activities are repeated?
The nerve impulses are strengthened
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Why is it harder for older people to learn new things?
After the age of ten the pathways that arent used as much die.
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Why are complex animals better at adapting to new situations than simple animals?
Because they dont have as many pathways which makes their behaviuor more predictable but less adaptable.
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Why is it important for children to develop their language skills at an early age? Use an example of feral child in your answer.
After a certain amount of time it will be impossible for the child to develop language skills, for example a boy was raised by wolves anf found when he was 12, however he never learnt to speak after this time.
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Name three things that the cerebral cortex of the brain is important for.
1) Memory 2) Language 3) consciousness
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Give three methods used by scientists to study the brain.
1) Studying patients with brain damage 2) Electrically stimulating the brain 3) MRI scans.
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What is memory?
Memory is the storage and retrieval of information
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name the two organs that make up the CNS


Spinal cord and brain.

Card 3


What do sensory neurones do?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Where do motor neurones carry signals to and from?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are receptors?


Preview of the front of card 5
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