B5 - organs and blood

B5 OCR gateway b - blood and organs section

What are the characteristics of a living donor?
- have to be alive - fit & health - over 18 - good tissue match
1 of 21
What are the characteristics of a dead donor?
- died recently - fit/healthy - tissue match - family permission
2 of 21
What is a xenotransplant?
a transplant from an animal e.g. pig heart
3 of 21
What is rejection?
When the immune system starts to attack the new transplant as the body doesn't accept it
4 of 21
How can you reduce the chance of rejection?
immunosuppresive drug to disable the immune system
5 of 21
What are the ethical issues surrounding organ donation/transplant?
1. religion - the body should be buried in tack/god choses when you die. 2. people think if they are critically ill the doctor may not try to save them (want organ). 3. pressured - if a relative needs it
6 of 21
Describe the issue surround organ supply and demand
supply doesn't meet the demand
7 of 21
What is the Opt out system for organ donation?
government are thinking or replacing the opt in system so that everyone is a donor unless they chose not to be (instead of the other way round - current)
8 of 21
How are blood clots formed?
Palets come into contact with damaged blood vessels causing a series of chemical reactions (fibrinogen ----> fibrin) leading to a mesh of fibrin fibres
9 of 21
What do anticoagulants do?
stop excessive clotting which could lead to strokes
10 of 21
Give examples of an anticoagulant.
11 of 21
What is haemophillia?
An inherited condition caused by the absence of clotting factor so the blood does not easily clot
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What are the 4 blood groups?
AB, B, A, O
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What does an antigen do?
trigger an immune response (it is a protein)
14 of 21
what is an agglutination?
clumping of red blood cells - caused when mixing wrong blood groups
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Where are antibodies found?
in the blood plasma
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When is the rhesus factor present?
when the blood is positive.
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does group AB have any antibodies?
no - just AB antigens
18 of 21
what antibodies does blood group O have?
19 of 21
What group is the universal donor?
blood group O
20 of 21
What group is the universal receiver?
blood group AB
21 of 21

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the characteristics of a dead donor?


- died recently - fit/healthy - tissue match - family permission

Card 3


What is a xenotransplant?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is rejection?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How can you reduce the chance of rejection?


Preview of the front of card 5
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