
What is Homeostasis?
the fancy word of keeping conditions in the right conditions to yor body cells at the right level
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When does it happen in?
response to changes inside and outside your body
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What does it include?
right conditions for enzymes to work
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What are control systems?
keeps the conditions in your body steady
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body temperature , glucose level and water level steady
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What does it mean that if control systems are automatic?
you dont have to think about them
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What are control systems made up of?
receptors, coordination centre ,and effector
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What happens if a level of something is too high or too low?
control system brings it back to normal
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What happens if a level is too high?
control system decreases the level
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what happens if a level is too low?
control system increases the level
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What does the receptor do?
detects a stimulus. It sends information to a coordination centre
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What is the role of the coordination centre?
recieves and processes information. Then it organises a response.
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What does the effector produce?
a responce. This returns to its optimum level
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What is a nervous system?
humans can react to their surroundings and cooridinate their behaviour
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What is the CNS consist of?
brain and spinal chord. This is connected to body by sensory and motor neurones
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What is the role of a Sensory Neurone?
carry information as electrical implusesfrom receptors to CNS
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What is the role of the Motor Neurone?
carry electrical impulses from CNS to effectors
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What is the role of receptors?
cells that detect the simulus. different receptors respond to diffrent stimuli. e.g receptors in ears detect sound
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What is the role of the effectors?
respond to electrical impluses and bring about a change. Types of effectors are muscles and glands. They respond in different ways - muscles contract and glands release hormones.
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What is CNS?
Coordination centre
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What does it do?
recieves information from receptors and coordinates a responce
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What do sensory neurones do?
carry information from receptors to CNS
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What is a synapse?
where two neurones join together
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Where is the electrical impulse passed on by?
one neurone to the next by chemicals
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How to chemicals move across by?
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Where are they set off?
a new electrical impulse in the nex neurone
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What do reflexs help prevent?
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What do the neurones in reflex arcs go through?
spinal chord or through an unconscious part of the brain
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What are hormones?
chemicals released by glands and released into the blood
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What are these glands are called?
Endocrine System
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What are hormones carried in ?
the blood to other parts of the body
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What is the Pituitary Gland?
called master gland produces in many hormones that regulate the body conditions hormones act on other glands make glands that relsease hormones that bring it a change
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What is the role of ovaries?
produce oestrogen and involved in menstrual cycles
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produces thyroxine and involved in regulating the rate of metabolism, heart rate and temperature
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adrenal gland
produces adrenaline and used to prepare the body to fight off
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produces insulin. this is used to regulate blood glucose level
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fast action act for a short time and act on a precise area
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slower action act for a long time and act in a more general way
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eating carbohydrates puts glucose........
into the blood
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When is glucose removed from the body by?
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What happens when you exercise?
more glucose is removed from the blood
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Changes in blood glucose concerntration are tracked and controlled by ........
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What causes glucose to move into cells?
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What is glucose stored as?
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What is glucose converted to?
glycogen in the liver and body cells
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Type 1 Diabetes
pancreas produces little or no insulin persons glucose level can rise to a level to kill them where they need injections to insulin and make sure that glucose is removed from the blood quickly after the food is digested
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Type 2 Diabetes
person becomes resistant to their own insulin body cells dont respond properly blood sugar levels rise at dangerous being obese can increase the risk controlled by carbohydrate controlled diet amount of carbohydrate is eaten and measured carefully
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What is the male reproductive hormone?
testosterone is produced in the testis stimulates sperm production
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What is the female reproductive hormone?
Oestrogen is produced in the ovaries involved in menstrual cycle
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stage one
bleeding starts. It breaks in the lining of the uterus for 4 days
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stage 2
uterus ling builds again for 4-14days into a thick spongy layerfull of blood vessels is ready to recieve a fertilised egg
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stage 3 egg develops and released from the ovary in day 14 .....
called ovulation
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Wall is maintained
for 14-28 days if no fertilised egg has landed on the uterus
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how easy is for a woman to get pregnant
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prevent pregnancy
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What are oral contraceptives taken through?
mouths and pills
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What does it stop?
FSH being released and eggs maturing over 99% preventing pregnancy
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What are the side effects ?
headache and vomiting
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How do Oral Contraceptives work by?
releasing progesterone
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What is contaceptive patch?
small patch whick is stuck to the skin
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What is contaceptive implant?
inserted under the skin of the arm which could last up to 3 years
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What is Contraceptive injection?
each dose lasts 2-3 months
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What is an intrauterine device?
a T shaped that is inserted into the uterus
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What can it stop?
fertillised eggs from implanting the uterus wall
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What do some types of IUD release?
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


response to changes inside and outside your body


When does it happen in?

Card 3


right conditions for enzymes to work


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


keeps the conditions in your body steady


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


body temperature , glucose level and water level steady


Preview of the back of card 5
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