
  • Created by: TianaKD
  • Created on: 31-03-17 11:58
List three advantages of having an internal skeleton over an external skeleton
1) It grows with the body. 2) it can easily attach muscles to it. 3) It provides support and framework and is more flexible.
1 of 40
Why is it unwise to move someone with a broken bone?
A broken bone can easily injure nearby tissue.
2 of 40
Describe how a synovial joint works
The bones at this joint are held together by ligaments. The end of the bones are covered in cartilage to stop them rubbing together. The synovial membrane rleases synovial fluid to lubricate the joints- easy movement.
3 of 40
What happens to the lower arm when the triceps contract?
When tricep contracts the lower arm is pulled down.
4 of 40
Describe the human circulatory system and how it is different from that of fish?
Humans have a double circulatory system with a four chambered heart, allowing blood to be pumped separately to the lungs and to the body. Whereas fish have a two chambered heart, one chamber to recieve blood & one to pump out blood to the gills/body
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Explain why the blood is under high pressure in a double circulatory system
The blood loses pressure in the lungs but returns to the heart before being pumped to the rest of the body- increasing pressure of the blood going to the body. Keeping it at a higher pressure allows materials to be transported around the body quickly
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Describe the sequence of events in the cardiac cycle
1) blood flows into the two atria. 2) the atria contract, pushing the blood into the ventricles. 3) the ventricles contract, forcing the blood into the aorta and the pulmonary artery.
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Name three contributions Harvey made to our understanding of the circulatory system
He showed that 1) the heart valves stopped the back flow of blood 2) the heart is a pump 3) the pulse is cuased by the heart pumping blood into the arteries
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Name the two clusters of pacemaker cells in the heart, what do they do?
1) The sino-atrial node (SAN) stimulates the atria to contract. 2) The atrio-ventricular node (AVN) stumlates the ventricles to contract
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What does ECG stand for? Describe what a healthy person's ECG should look like
Electrocardiogram- it shows the electrical activity of the heart. A healthy person's ECG starts with a small wave for atria contracting, a large wave for ventricles contracting, and a small wave for ventricles contracting.
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Explain what's going wrong if someone has a hole in their heart
The hole is a gap separating either the two ventricles or two atria. It allows blood to move directly from one side of the heart to the other, allowing deoxygenated and oxygenated blood to mix, reducing amount of oxygen in blood being pumped to body.
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Give one advantage and one disadvantage of the use of heart pacemakers and heart valves over heart replacement
Advantage- rejection isn't normally a problem. Disadvantage- They might not last very long and need replacement
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What is happening when blood clots?
A clot is a mesh of fibrin fibres (protein fibres) that plug the damaged area. Clots are formed by a series of chemical reactions that take place when platelets in your blood are exposed to damaged blood vessels.
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Explain what would happen if a person with type A blood was given a transfusion of type B blood
Type A blood has A antigens and anti-B antibodies. Type B blood has B antigens and anti-A antibodies. When an A antigen meets an anti- A antibody (or B antigen/B antibody) the blood clumps together- agglutination.
14 of 40
To be a living donor, you must meet four criteria. What are they?
1) Relatively young- so organs are fit and healthy. 2) Similar body weight to the person needing the transplant. 3) Close tissue match to prevent rejection problems. 4) Must be over the age of 18.
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Describe two problems with organ transplants
1) The patient's immune system often recognises the new organ as foreign and attacks it- this is called rejection. 2) Doctors use immune-supressive drugs that suppress the patient's immune system to stop rejection- but more vulnerable to infection
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Give three ethical reasons why some people are concerned about organ transplants
1) Religious views that a persons body should be buried intact (giving is wrong), or life/death is up to God (receiving is wrong). 2) Worries that doctors won't save them if critically ill- organs needed for transplant. 3) Pressured into donation
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Suggest three problems in the supply of donor organs
1) Shortage of organs available for donation. 2) Shortage means that a person needing a transplant usually has to wait for an organ to become available. 3) The wait can last a long time as the donor must meet different criteria.
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Describe what happens to the pressure and volume in the lungs when you breathe in and out
When you breathe in intercostal muscles and diaphragm contract, increasing volume and expanding the lungs, decreasing the pressure. When you breathe out the intercostals and diaphragm relax, decreasing volume and increasing pressure in the lungs.
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What machine would a doctor use to measure lung capacity, and why would you want to measure it?
Lung capacity is measured with a spirometer. It is measured to check the patients values in their lungs- if they are too low then they may have lung disease.
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Describe how gaseous exchange occurs in human alveoli
Oxygen diffuses out of the alveolus (high concentration) into the blood (low concentration). Carbon dioxide diffuses out of the blood (high concentration) into the alveolus (low concentration) to be breathed out.
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Explain why fish gills only work in water
Water helps support the gills- it keeps the gill filaments separated from each other. If fish weren't in water their gills would stick together and they would suffocate.
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Explain how cilia and mucus protect the lungs
The trachea and bronchi are lined with mucus and cilia (little hairs) that catch dust and microbes before they reach the lungs. The cilia beat, pushing microbe filled mucus out of the lungs as phlegm.
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List four main causes of lung disease; which is the most likely to result in lung cancer?
1) Industrial materials. 2) Genetic causes. 3) Lifestyle causes- e.g smoking. This is the most likely to result in lung cancer. 4) Asthma.
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Give two functions of physical digestion
1) Allows food to pass easily through the digestive system. 2) Provides a larger surface area for chemical digestion.
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Name three types of digestive enzyme and state the name of the molecule they break down
1) Carbohydrases break down big carbohydrates into simple sugars. 2) Proteases break down potions into amino acids. 3) Lipases break down fats into fatty acids and glycerol.
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Describe how stomach pH aids digestion
The pH in the stomach is very acidic (about 1-2). It's maintained at this level to provide optimum pH for protease enzymes to work.
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Give three ways that villi are adapted to aid digestion
1) Large surface area. 2) Have a single permeable layer of surface cells which form a thin lining. 3) Have a very good blood supply. This all allows for quick absorption.
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Describe the three main roles of kidneys
1) Removal of urea from the blood. 2) Adjustment of salt levels in the blood. 3) Adjustment of water content.
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Explain how a kidney works
1) Ultrafiltration- high pressure squeezes water, urea, salts, glucose out of blood into capsule- acts as filter so big molecules don't leave the blood. 2) Selective reabsorption- sugar, salts, water. 3) Release of waste- urea, excess salt and water
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Describe three things that affect the amount and concentration of urine produced
1) Heat- when it's hot you sweat- losing water. 2) Exercise- makes you hot so you sweat- again losing water (concentrated, small volume of urine). 3) Water intake- not drinking enough water=concentrated urine. Drinking too much=lots of dilute urine.
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How does a dialysis machine work and what substances does it remove from the blood?
A dialysis machine filters blood by using a selectively permeable wall and fluid of the same sodium and glucose concentration as blood plasma to allow waste products to diffuse out of the blood and into the fluid. It removes urea and excess water.
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Which four hormones control the menstrual cycle and what do they do?
1) FSH causes an egg to develop in an ovary. 2) Oestrogen causes uterus lining to repair. 3) LH stimulates egg release. 4) Progesterone maintains the lining of the uterus (when this hormone level falls the lining breaks down).
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How does negative feedback control the concentration of hormones in the menstrual cycle?
When the concentration of one hormone becomes too high, the release of another hormone will return it to a lower level.
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Describe four types of fertility treatment
1) Artifical insemination. 2) FSH injections (stimulate egg production). 3) In Vitro Fertilisation. 4) Ovary transplants.
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List three reasons why people may argue that fertility treatment is wrong
1) Fertilised eggs that aren't used are often thrown away- denying a life and morally wrong. 2) If they're not thrown away they can be used for stem cell research- morally wrong. 3) increases chance of multiple pregnancies- health danger/financial bu
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Name a method of foetal screening and explain one ethical issue surrounding it
Amniocentesis- where doctors use a long needle to remove some of the fluid surrounding the baby to be anaylsed. But if the foetus has a genetic defect the parents may decide to abort the baby, also it increases the risk of miscarriage.
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How can diet and exercise affect a person's growth?
A poor diet low in proteins and minerals could mean that a child doesn't grow as much as their genes would allow. Exercise builds muscle and stimulates the release of growth hormone, weight bearing exercise can also increase bone mass.
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What three measurments do doctors make to check a baby is growing normally?
1) Length. 2) Mass. 3) Head size.
39 of 40
Why are people living longer these days and what problems is this trend likely to cause?
Life expectancy has increase due to medical advances, safer and healthier housing/places of work, affordability of a healthier diet and lifestyle, and less industrial disease. This csn lesd to housing shortage, more environment pollution, less money.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why is it unwise to move someone with a broken bone?


A broken bone can easily injure nearby tissue.

Card 3


Describe how a synovial joint works


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happens to the lower arm when the triceps contract?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Describe the human circulatory system and how it is different from that of fish?


Preview of the front of card 5
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