
What parts does an animal cell include?
Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Mitochondria, Cell Membrane
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What parts does a plant cell include?
Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Mitochondria, Cell Membrane, Chloroplasts, Vacuole, Cell Wall
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Function of the nucleus
Contains DNA for instructions to make proteins
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Function of the cytoplasm
Gel like substance where proteins are made
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Function of the cell membrane
Holds the cell together and controls diffusion
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Function of the mitochondria
Where enzymes needed for aerobic respiration are found
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Function of the chloroplasts
Contain chlorophyll and enzymes needed for photosynthesis
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Function of the vacuole
Contains sap
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Function of the cell wall
Made of cellulose to support and strengthen the cell
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What does a bacteria cell include?
Circular DNA, Cytoplasm, Cell Membrane, Cell Wall
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What does a yeast cell include?
Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Mitochondria, Cell Membrane, Cell Wall
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Uses of fermentation
Biogas, Bread, Alcohol
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What is respiration?
A series of chemical reactions that RELEASE ENERGY by BREAKING DOWN large FOOD molecules
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Aerobic (word)
Glucose+Oxygen--->Carbon Dioxide+Water+Energy
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Aerobic (symbol)
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Anerobic - animal/bacteria
Glucose---> Lactic Acid+Energy
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Anerobic -plant/microorganism
Glucose---> Ethanol+Carbon Dioxide+Energy
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What is photosynthesis?
A series of chemical reactions that USE ENERGY from sunlight to PRODUCE FOOD
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Photosynthesis (word)
Carbon Dioxide+Water---light energy--->Glucose+Oxygen
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Photosynthesis (symbol)
6CO2+6H2O---light energy--->C6H12O6+6O2
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Uses of Glucose
Respiration, Growth, Storage
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Limiting Factors of Photosynthesis
Light, Carbon Dioxide, Temperature/pH
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To investigate how something chnages across and area. Run a tape between two fixed points and collect data along it
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Light meter
To measure light intensity
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A square grid to measure %coverage
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Identification key
A series of questions to figure out plant species
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What are enzymes?
Proteins that speed up a chemical reaction
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The condition (temperature/pH) the enzyme works best at
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When the bonds break and no longer fit the substrate so cannot react
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Lock and Key Model
Enzyme=shape specific=collides with substrate(complimentary)=bind=product
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The passive overall movement of particles from high to low concentration
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The overall movement of water from a dilute to more concentrated solution through a partially permeable membrane
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Active Transport
The overall movement of chemicals across a cell membrane from low to high concentration using energy from respiration
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What parts does a plant cell include?


Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Mitochondria, Cell Membrane, Chloroplasts, Vacuole, Cell Wall

Card 3


Function of the nucleus


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Function of the cytoplasm


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Function of the cell membrane


Preview of the front of card 5
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