
  • Created by: hope
  • Created on: 11-05-14 17:51
What is Sustainabilty?
Meeting the needs of today's population without harming the environment so future generations can meet their own needs
1 of 13
Ways carbon returns to the air?
Combustion, When plants/animals decompose, Plant and Animal respiration
2 of 13
How does selective breeding differ from natural selection?
Selective breeding is controlled by humans, whereas natural selection isn't
3 of 13
How long ago did life on Earth begin?
3500 million years ago
4 of 13
In the carbon cycle, how is carbon dioxide turned into carbon compound?
Through photosynthesis
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What role do decomposers play in the nitrogen cycle?
Decompose proteins and urea and then turn them into ammonia
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What are three main reasons of a species becoming extinct?
Environmental conditions, a new species and humans hunting them
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Why was Lamarck's theory rejected in favour of Darwins?
All of Lamarck's theory wasn't true, whereas Darwin had an observation to back it up
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Features of a animal (fish) and a plant (cactus)
Fish have gills that extract oxygen from water for respiration. Cactuses have shallow but extensive roots, this ensures water is absorbed quickly
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What are three non living indicators of environmental change?
Temperature, Nitrate Level, Carbon Dioxide Level
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What is a species?
A group of organisms that can breed together to produce fertile offspring
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What is biodiversity?
The variety of plant and animal life in the world or in a habitat
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How could evolution lead to formation of a new species?
Two of the same breed can be on two different Islands. A number of factors combine to make two different groups of organisms so different they become different species
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Ways carbon returns to the air?


Combustion, When plants/animals decompose, Plant and Animal respiration

Card 3


How does selective breeding differ from natural selection?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How long ago did life on Earth begin?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


In the carbon cycle, how is carbon dioxide turned into carbon compound?


Preview of the front of card 5
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