

  • Created by: johnz
  • Created on: 23-09-13 18:44
Enzymes are large molecules that speed up the chemical reactions inside cells. Each type of enzyme does on specific job. Enzymes are a type of protein, and like all proteins, they are made from long chains of different amino acids.
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DNA molecules are very long and packed into compact structures called chromosomes. Each DNA molecule consists of two twisted strands of bases that form a shape called a double helix
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Enzymes and temperature
At low temperatures, enzyme reactions are slow. They speed up as the temperature rises until an optimum temperature is reached. After this point the reaction will slow down and eventually stop.
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Enzyme and pH
Most enzymes work fastest in neutral conditions. Making the solution more acid or alkaline will slow the reaction down. At extremes of pH the reaction will stop altogether. Some enzymes, such as those used in digestion, are adapted to work faster in
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Denatured Enzymes
Enzymes can be denatured by high temperatures and extremes of pH. Both high temperatures and extremes of pH change the bonds between amino acids in the enzyme, so changing its shape.
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Card 2




DNA molecules are very long and packed into compact structures called chromosomes. Each DNA molecule consists of two twisted strands of bases that form a shape called a double helix

Card 3


Enzymes and temperature


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Enzyme and pH


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Card 5


Denatured Enzymes


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