B3 - The Nephron

  • Created by: kat-y
  • Created on: 20-11-16 17:27
Approximately how many nephrons are found in the kidney?
One million
1 of 15
What is a nephron?
Microscopic tube
2 of 15
The nephrons make.....
3 of 15
What does the nephron consist of? (4 answers)
Bowman's capsule, convoluted tubules, the loop of Henlé and the collecting duct
4 of 15
The glomerulus is a small knot of......
5 of 15
Blood flows along the renal.....and into the glomerulus
6 of 15
Where does the glomerulus run along?
The Bowman's capsule of the nephron
7 of 15
What feature of the Bowman's capsule allows really small molecules into the nephron?
Tiny holes
8 of 15
What are some small molecules that are able to go through the nephron?
Water/ Urea/ Glucose
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What happens to the larger molecules like proteins and blood cells?
It stays in the blood
10 of 15
This process of separating smaller molecules from larger molecules through a partially permeable membrane is called...
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The useful substances are absorbed back through the walls and into the blood. This is called...
Selective reabsorbtion
12 of 15
When water is absorbed depending on how much the body needs, it is called...
13 of 15
What happens at the end of the nephron?
The fluid flows into the ureter
14 of 15
What does the fluid contain?
Excess water and urea. The fluid is now called urine.
15 of 15

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What is a nephron?


Microscopic tube

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The nephrons make.....


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What does the nephron consist of? (4 answers)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The glomerulus is a small knot of......


Preview of the front of card 5
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