
What is an antibody?
A protein produced by the immune system in response to the presence of an antigen
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What does a virus do?
Gets inside your cell and reproduces and when lots have been produced it will burst open
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What is a pathogen?
Microorganisms that cause disease and release toxins
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What can we treat using antibiotics?
Bacterial infections, NOT VIRUSES
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What is an antigen?
Found on the surface of microorganisms, antibodies attack them by making an antibody to fit the antigen. They are unique to the pathogen
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What is the calculation for herd immunity
Qc (herd immunity threshold)=1-1/Ro (reproductive number) Vc (actual coverage needed)=Qc/E (efficiency of the vaccine)
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What are monoclonal antibodies?
A type of biological therapy in which a certain antibody is cloned to create more of that specific antibody
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What is an antimicrobial?
Any substance that kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms
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Why do plants use magnesium and what happens if they're deficient?
To produce chlorophyll, yellowing leaves
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Why do plants use nitrates and what happens if they're deficient?
To produce amino acids for growth, stunted growth
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What is tobacco mosiac?
TMV is a virus that affects plants that creates a mottled effect on the surface of leaves. It is very easily spread, and affects tobacco, tomatoes and certain other plants
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What is rose black spot?
RBS is a fungal infection that creates black spots on the surface of leaves. It affects roses only and is very common.
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What are aphids?
Tiny insects that infest plants and cause a production of a sticky substance and a mossy mould-like growth on leaves.
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What is malaria?
The most common protist disease transmitted through a single bite from a mosquito.
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What is natural immunity?
If you are exposed to a disease your body will produce antibodies to fight it. These will stay in your blood even after the disease has gone
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What is a vaccine?
Artificial immunity. A dead version of the microorganism is injected to trigger an immune response. Memory cells will remain, without becoming ill
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What is an antibiotic?
A chemical produced naturally by microorganisms that kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi, but NOT VIRUSES
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How do antibiotics work?
They target the growth machinery in bacteria to kill or inhibit its growth. It can't do this to viruses as they have a different growth mechanism
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What is a blind trial?
Where the patient doesn't know but the doctor does
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What is a double blind trial?
Where neither the patient or doctor are aware
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What is an open label trial?
Where the patient and doctor both know
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does a virus do?


Gets inside your cell and reproduces and when lots have been produced it will burst open

Card 3


What is a pathogen?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What can we treat using antibiotics?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is an antigen?


Preview of the front of card 5
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