
  • Created by: sadiyah:)
  • Created on: 30-01-20 17:27
what is the definition of a tissuse?
a group of similar cells
1 of 18
definition of a organ?
group of tissues working together
2 of 18
what is group of organs which work together in organism?
organ system
3 of 18
what is the digestive system?
a group of organs that digest and avsorb food
4 of 18
types of sugars in carbohydrate?
glucose,starch.cellulose.used for energy
5 of 18
what is proteins used for?
to make enzymes,tissues and cells.
6 of 18
what is lipids?
fats and oils made of fatty acids and glycerol
7 of 18
what does the mouth do?
chews food,releses saliva
8 of 18
what does the stomach do?
churns food. partial digestion here
9 of 18
what makes bile to be stored in gall bladder?
the liver
10 of 18
what does the pancreas do ?
releases enzymes in small intestine
11 of 18
is it the small or large intestine where the majority of the digestion happens and makes lots of enzymes?
the small intestine
12 of 18
what does the large intestine do?
absorbs water
13 of 18
what is a catalyst?
a chemical which speeds up a reaction without being used itself
14 of 18
what is an enzyme?
biological catalysts like a specific temperture and pH
15 of 18
what breaks down protein. made in stomach,pancrese and small intestine?
16 of 18
what is a lipase?
enzyme breaks down lipipds. made in pancreas,small intestine
17 of 18
what is amylase?
type of carbohydrate enzyme. breaks down glucose.made in salivary glands,pancrease small intestine
18 of 18

Other cards in this set

Card 2


definition of a organ?


group of tissues working together

Card 3


what is group of organs which work together in organism?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the digestive system?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


types of sugars in carbohydrate?


Preview of the front of card 5
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