B2 topic 2

some of the revision questions for b2 topic 2 hope it helps 

  • Created by: paulina
  • Created on: 08-11-12 21:36
what 3 ways can you measure the growth of an organism?
1)size 2) wet weight 3)dry weight
1 of 36
what is continuous variation?
In continuous variation there is a complete range of measurements from one extreme to the other. Height is an example of continuous variation
2 of 36
regenerating limbs in animals is caused y what cell?
Stem cells
3 of 36
why is it illegal for athletes to use growth factors to enhance there performance?
they are illegal and give an unfair advantage to the sport also they have health risks
4 of 36
human body cells are?
5 of 36
what does diploid mean?
the have 2 versions of each chromosome
6 of 36
mitosis makes new cells for?
growth and repair
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what is it called when a cell can divide a certain amount of times?
Hayflick limit
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what is the human hayflick limit?
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what cells do not have the hayflick limit?
cancer an stem cells
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what are gametes?
they are sex organs
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gametes are ?
12 of 36
is this statement mitosis or meiosis "its purpose is to provide new cells for growth and repair"
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is this statement mitosis or meiosis " its purpose is to create gametes"
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is this statement mitosis or meiosis "the cells produced are genetically identical"
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is this statement mitosis or meiosis "four cells are produces"
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is this statement mitosis or meiosis "the cells produced are diploid"
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how are stem cells in embryos different to stem cells in an adult
Adult cells are not as versatile as embryo stem cells and can only differentiate into certain types of cell
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why do some people do not like the idea of carrying our research on embryo stem cells?
ethical concerns
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give a reason against using embryo stem cells
some people argue that human embryos shouldn't be used for experiments because each embryo is a potential human life
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give a reason for using stem cells?
other people think that the aim of curing patients who are suffering life threatening diseases should be more important than the potential life of the embryos. they point out that embryos used are often the unwanted ones from fertility clinics
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pregnancy can legally be terminated at how many weeks?
22 of 36
what are the 6 factors that affect plant growth
1)soil nutrients 2)light 3) temperature 4) carbon dioxide 5)oxygen 6) plant hormones
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name a plant that grows in a poor condition and how it is adapted
could have mentioned one of the following - marram grass-curled up leaves to reduce water loss, bluebell-stores food in the winter so that it can grow quickly in spring, water lily-has its holes for oxygen and carbon dioxide on the top of leaf
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auxins are plant hormones which control growth near the ?
tips of shoots and roots
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explain how auxins cause plan shoots to grow towards light
when a shoot tip is exposed to light, more auxins accumulates on the side that's in the shade than the side that in the light. This makes the cells grow faster on the shade side, so the shoot bends towards the light
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explain how auxins cause plant roots to grow towards water
an uneven amount of moisture either side of a root produces more auxins on the side with more moisture this inhibits growth on that side causing the root to grow in that direction, towards the moisture
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what is selective breeding?
is when humans select the plants or animals that are going to be breed and flourish, according to what we want from them
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selective breeding can also be called
artificial selection
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give 3 examples of the use of selective breeding in farming
1)farmers can improve the quality of the product like milk in cattle 2) farmers can increase the number of offspring in sheep 3)farmers can increase the yield from dwarf wheat
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give 2 disadvantage to selective breeding?
only some of the original population is bred from
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give another disadvantage to selective breeding
some of the characteristics encouraged by selective breeding are beneficial for humans but not for the organisms themselves
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in brief explain the process of cloning animals eg dolly the sheep
1)dolly was made by taking a sheep's egg cell and removing the nucleus 2) another nucleus was inserted in its place 3) the cell was stimulated so that it started dividing by mitosis 4) the embryo was implanted into the uterus of a female sheep.
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what are the risks of cloning animals
1) they do not live as long as they are supposed to 2) there is always the risk of failing it took 100 of attempts to clone dolly 3) the cloned animal can be born with genetic defects and many diseases
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what is genetic modification?
useful genes can be transmitted into the DNA of animals and plants at a very early stage of their development
35 of 36
describe how gene therapy can be uses to treat a disease caused by a single gene mutation
by inserting a new functional version of the faulty gene into a patients cells.
36 of 36

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is continuous variation?


In continuous variation there is a complete range of measurements from one extreme to the other. Height is an example of continuous variation

Card 3


regenerating limbs in animals is caused y what cell?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


why is it illegal for athletes to use growth factors to enhance there performance?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


human body cells are?


Preview of the front of card 5
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