B2 revision

  • Created by: Geila
  • Created on: 14-06-21 21:28
what is the definition of cell?
the smallest unit of an organism
1 of 16
what is the definition of tissue?
a group of cells with a similar structure
2 of 16
what is the definition of organs?
made up from a group of different tissues
3 of 16
what is the definition of an organ system?
made from a group of different organs
4 of 16
what is the definition of an organism?
an individual plant, animal or single celled organism
5 of 16
how do we test for starch and how does it react if it's positive or negative?
iodine solution.
present- black and blue
not present- yellowish brown
6 of 16
how do we test for lipids (fats) and how does it react if it's positive or negative?
sudan III.
present-red layer on top
not present- clear
7 of 16
how do we test for glucose (sugars) and how does it react if it's positive or negative?
benedicts solution.
present- red
a little present- green/yellow orange
not present- blue
8 of 16
how do we test for protein and how does it react if it's positive or negative?
biuret solution a and b.
present- pink/purple
not present- blue
9 of 16
what is cancer?
a condition where cells in a specific part of the body grow and reproduce uncontrollably
10 of 16
what is the function of blood plasma?
to fight disease and transport cells
11 of 16
what is an enzyme?
an enzyme is a substance which breaks down molecules
12 of 16
When a substrate and enzyme bind together via collisions what is it called?
enzyme-substrate complex
13 of 16
What energy is used in enzyme-substrate complex binding?
binding energy
14 of 16
what is translocation?
the movement of sugars produced during photosynthesis around the plant
15 of 16
2 functions of the phloem
sieve to
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is the definition of tissue?


a group of cells with a similar structure

Card 3


what is the definition of organs?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the definition of an organ system?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is the definition of an organism?


Preview of the front of card 5
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